Saturday, September 29, 2007

images of everything

going out to have arranged lunch with my dad's church friend. le barf. my dad thinks i will convert (from agnostic to christian) if he keeps pressuring me. it's good to have a family friend in toronto, though. if i EVER consider the possibility of going to church (a korean one at that) someone please smack sense into me.


ps. i had an awesome night and i will blog about it when i'm back.

pps. Nuit Blanche tonite!

ppps. first batch of my Italy Trip pictures are up on my flickr. I have 2,292 photos on there now. i've uploaded about one tenth of the total pictures took, but i needed to put them up sometime. hahaha


1 comment:

Krista said...

so. many. pictures..

you going to see MG in TO next month?