jen and e-star, way back in the past. this is all you get because i am too
lazy to upload my new pictures that actually go with the content of this post
lazy to upload my new pictures that actually go with the content of this post
this was posted about 24 hours after it was written:
woooooooooooooo long and pointless day/nite.
woke up at noon, had an intense convo with ray over the phone for an hour, cleaned my room and did the dishes (which took two hours), ate "breakfast" at 3pm, talked on the phone with dara for an hour and a half, went grocery shopping, then met up with ester. we went to urban outfitters and she bought a fisheye camera (amazing), then we went to her grandparents' house and we walked their dog named Storm while i took pictures and called up my friends i knew to see if they were going to seri's big fucking housewarming party. adam is in hamilton so he didn't go, ray didn't because she had to do an interview for her assignment, nic has an out-of-town friend over and otie is having dinner with her feminist friends and this is the part i realize that i dont have many close friends. sam went, but she was (obviously) accompanied by kira and her crew, whom i obviously despise. even tho my entire floor went (seri used to live on my floor) and so did some journo kids, but the thought of being in the same room with them just made me want to heave. i didnt really feel like going anyway, i have these stupid days when i am trying to force myself to socialize but TOTALLY don't feel like it, aka i want to be alone away from crowds but simultaneously need someone and feel totally lonely, and think all day "im lonely, im lonely." ahahaha. that sounds pathetic on paper. anyway after walking storm in rosedale, esty and i went out for dinner at a thai place on yonge, then we contemplated these crazy and "deep" hypothetical situations while experimenting with her new fisheye camera. afterwards we bought a tub of ben & jerry's strawberry cheesecake ice cream and ate half of it between us when we got to ester's room. we tried ice cream on triscuit type crackers, it was v. delicious and it makes you feel like you're eating some kind of healthy snack, like cream cheese on fibrous crackers or something. aha aha aha. then we watched disney's beauty and the beast, which i now dub THE MOST AMAZING MOVIE EVER. by the first minute i was all, oh man, this is my childhood haunting me back again, i fell in love with it completely once more. by the time we were done the movie we just zoned out listening to music then she said she had to go to bed so i walked home at 2 in the morning while talking to my mom on the phone. i trapezed over drunk people in the street very efficiently while keeping a conversation going. now im at my desk and i realize i have ICE CREAM STAINS on my sweatshirt, which is, um, disgusting. i suppose i shouldn't have eaten in ester's bed. ester wanted to smoke cloves that joan gave her but i said ehn. btw i can sort of see how people get hooked on drugs. i should lay off smoking anything for a while. maybe get rid of this weird semi-reputation as a chronic. haha funny how i smoked cigarettes in montreal. nooot.

total spent for the day: $15 on groceries, $13 on dinner, $7 on ice cream (and i suppose ttc fare). total spent on the day is $35. hahaha.
when i was at urban outfitters, i had and impulse to buy all my furniture/whatevers from there for my house next year. haha who is a victim of consumerism?
saw hannah today, so good seeing her, every time i see her she reminds me that extremely intelligent and uncorrupted people still do exist on this miserable and wonderful planet.
i figure since it's already march 1st, i should make a birthday list. my birthday is in mere three months, you know. things i want:
- a colourful quilt from urban outfitters
- a thick sweatshirt
- charles mingus albums
- money for my summer trip?
i am in love with urban outfitters and its semi-snobby pretentious shit.
when i wake up in the afternoon i will be 700 pounds from all the ice cream i ate today.
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