of course not.
inspired by the recent download of the SPIRITED AWAY film soundtrack, she began to draw in her sketchbook. (why am i talking in third person? i think years of reading px has taken its toll.)
original picture from the movie:

initial sketchings.

this is chihiro


drawing #2

perhaps the 7 billionth curlicue heart drawing i have ever done.

i am multitasking. clearly.

"in the aeroplane over the sea" album art

pencil crayons + watercolours
this is how it looked like before:

and that concludes my colourful day!
more pictures at flickr. here go look.

this is chihiro


drawing #2

perhaps the 7 billionth curlicue heart drawing i have ever done.

i am multitasking. clearly.

"in the aeroplane over the sea" album art

pencil crayons + watercolours
this is how it looked like before:

and that concludes my colourful day!
more pictures at flickr. here go look.
tomorrow i am visiting ester at home then hanging out with lara. possible drinking, which i need oh so badly right now. holy shit i better not turn out to be an alcoholic... though i severely doubt i will be able to control myself.
1 comment:
i loved them.. i uused to draw a lot but time and my ex bf made me changge that... its a shame.
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