i went on a three day trip to galiano island, a small islet near vancouver island. takes about an hour by ferry to get to from tsawwassen. here are some week-old piccies that no one cares about.
7:00pm: ester and i get to the ferry terminal. we doodle in my sketchbook with markers in the departure waiting area. after an hour on the ferry, we arrive on galiano. we find the only taxi driver on the island, and after learning that we have to share the taxi with 3 other guys, a cat and a dog, the taxi driver (whose name was ryan) goes to get the island bus.
the island bus is a rackety, paint-peeling white vehicle the size of a school bus. it smells strongly of wet kayak gear. the road is rough, so i get nausea on the drive, but we got there alright, at about 11pm.
lara's cabin:

denise doing dishes

SALT. PEPPER. mmmmmm

pot brownies: denise was high off her rocker and i was pretty close. i started telling stories about jewish folk stories. right-o.
1pm: we wake up, eat pasta for breakfast, and spend time looking at the view.

on the verandah table

me, es, rox.

le view

flowery ones: lara
purple ones: roxy
turquoise ones are mine

sketchbooks: me, es, and rox


my markers

ester's purse shit


i am h-core (read: stupid) for hiking in pool sandals

the reason why you take tetanus shots: in case you have to jump across an ancient razor-sharp rusted pipe

we're almost at coon bay!

i adore this picture.

ultimate camping item.

four girlies

aaaand we're here.

LUNCH TIME! (by now it is about 5pm)

lara: "pass the munchies"

a primitive substitute for a blister bandage

es and rox

lara has wet boobs.

the water was numblingly freezing. LOVE.


i eat daras like you for breakfast
(this is my "pac-man face")

we leave the beach hurriedly, as we need to hike back for an hour before it gets dark

but of course, we get horribly lost off-trail and have to resort to bushwhacking through cliffs. not fun. we had no water, no food, and no warm clothing to last us a night in the forest. yikes.

after half an hour of stranded drama... WE SEE CIVILIZATION. omfg.

war wounds.

yay! a road, a road! we dash to the cabin, away from scary trails
lara shows me her secret hideaway, on her dock, and i witness an amazing cranberry pink coloured sunset. lara and i am silent in awe as we stare at the seascape, then lara opens her mouth:

it is still and quiet around me


down the steps

rusted pulley?
high tide, cool toes

i could've sat on this dock forever and just contemplate life or something.

the waves are smooth, like the surface of a silk ribbon

but also very supple.

ester with my blanket, and me, with sunset colour on our faces

she loves water

3pm: we take the sole taxibus on the island to the southern end, to the tiny ferry station

rox and bus in distance

this bus is so ghetto and smells like it too

at an ice cream parlour on the south end: ADORABLE DARA with maple and mango ice creams

my amazing "island deluxe burger"

we're full and lazy after that ginormous greasy meal

lara with her burger.
7:00pm: ester and i get to the ferry terminal. we doodle in my sketchbook with markers in the departure waiting area. after an hour on the ferry, we arrive on galiano. we find the only taxi driver on the island, and after learning that we have to share the taxi with 3 other guys, a cat and a dog, the taxi driver (whose name was ryan) goes to get the island bus.
the island bus is a rackety, paint-peeling white vehicle the size of a school bus. it smells strongly of wet kayak gear. the road is rough, so i get nausea on the drive, but we got there alright, at about 11pm.
lara's cabin:

denise doing dishes

SALT. PEPPER. mmmmmm

pot brownies: denise was high off her rocker and i was pretty close. i started telling stories about jewish folk stories. right-o.
1pm: we wake up, eat pasta for breakfast, and spend time looking at the view.

on the verandah table

me, es, rox.

le view

flowery ones: lara
purple ones: roxy
turquoise ones are mine

sketchbooks: me, es, and rox


my markers

ester's purse shit


i am h-core (read: stupid) for hiking in pool sandals

the reason why you take tetanus shots: in case you have to jump across an ancient razor-sharp rusted pipe

we're almost at coon bay!

i adore this picture.

ultimate camping item.

four girlies

aaaand we're here.

LUNCH TIME! (by now it is about 5pm)

lara: "pass the munchies"

a primitive substitute for a blister bandage

es and rox

lara has wet boobs.

the water was numblingly freezing. LOVE.


i eat daras like you for breakfast
(this is my "pac-man face")

we leave the beach hurriedly, as we need to hike back for an hour before it gets dark

but of course, we get horribly lost off-trail and have to resort to bushwhacking through cliffs. not fun. we had no water, no food, and no warm clothing to last us a night in the forest. yikes.

after half an hour of stranded drama... WE SEE CIVILIZATION. omfg.

war wounds.

yay! a road, a road! we dash to the cabin, away from scary trails
lara shows me her secret hideaway, on her dock, and i witness an amazing cranberry pink coloured sunset. lara and i am silent in awe as we stare at the seascape, then lara opens her mouth:
lara: its so peaceful here. you know jen, when you have your mental breakdown, you should call me and i'll let you come to my cabin.
jen: thanks...... i think.
lara: ... or you can just call me before you have your mental breakdown and i'll make you sane again
jen: thanks...... i think.
lara: ... or you can just call me before you have your mental breakdown and i'll make you sane again

it is still and quiet around me


down the steps

rusted pulley?

the trip was relaxing and pretty cool overall. plenty of nifty little anecdotes to tell. hope you enjoyed the pictures. they are on my flickr for your viewing pleasure.
this post was overdue by at least a week.
more posts coming soon. i need to go to fucking bed right now.
1 comment:
I love you.
and I really love the "lara" picture (by her dock).
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