Holy greetings everybody!i came back from the italy/switzerland trip about five hours ago. woke up in lucern, switzerland, about 24 hours ago and i have not had any sleep. am about to flip out so maybe i should go catch some z's (haha i hate that expression).
i loved italy. if you know me then you know that i will have loved it. i want to go back and do it all over. i took over 1200 pictures. i might post them slowly...
you aren't allowed to take pictures within the Sistine Chapel,
but i guess this person did. (stolen from some GIS)
at Rome i saw the colosseum, the pantheon, spanish steps, trevi fountain. in the Vatican, i entered the Sistine Chapel... my god. at Florence, i saw the
ACTUAL REAL AUTHENTIC PAINTING of the "birth of venus". it was like entering holy ground. i saw Michaelangelo's David as well as other amazing works of art (this was an art trip, after all). went to Pisa, Assisi, Bellagio, Como Lakes, Verona. i went to Venice! so fucking amazing i will have to at least post pictures of my gondola ride through the canals later. Lucerne/Switzerland was orderly and clean and had amazing Swiss cheese...
birth of venus, by botticelli
it is depressing to think about the fact that i must go to school tomorrow morning instead of wake up at a hotel room and eat a swiss cheese and ham breakfast.
i dont really have any intentions of keeping this blog alive, thanks to lara, the future hemingway. nevermind. it's a long story. hey i kept an entire day-by-day diary during the trip, maybe i will type some of that out for this blog.
i read xiao's
THE GREAT GATSBY on the plane from toronto to vancouver (connecting flight from zurich). gatsby has stolen my heart and all its valves.