i was a complete facebook addict yesterday. i went through all of my friends' friends and found more people i used to know back in grade six/seven. holyyy motherfucker. it's weird when you leave a place and its people, and you come back to it years later and its like WOAH YOU CHANGED A LOT THOUGH YOU LOOK 'ZACTLY THE SAME.
i went through this girl pam's pictures and saw the pinetree peeps partying pictures (woah major alliteration there). it dawned on me that all the teens living in coquitlam are hos, geeks, and sons of bitches. there are maybe three sane kids in the whole goddamn tri-city. ugh thank GOD i do not live there anymore.
i'd rather stay here in the rich asian kid neighbourhood. hahahahahahhahahakfsfksja
i should post some of their pictures and laugh at my loserness
IM SO STUCK IN THE FUCKING PAST i dont even know why i try to remember all these mcms kids. i talked to thomas and he was all "oh yea. creideann dropped out of highschool." i was all, umm WHAT, since WHEN.
k bye.
ps. im not as agitated as i sound, though i was fucking out of my mind yesterday. i need to get over obsessions and then i need to get over the fact that i like to obsess a lot.
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