yesterday the bunch of jschoolers and i went for dinner at pickle barrel. i think there were 10 of us there, sean amanda emilie krista josh lena bryan otie hil lee and me. hil and i were making fun of lee ALL night secretly. i guess it would take too fucking long to explain my condescension towards lee. anyway the girls (plus sean, of course, haha) ordered fucking HUGE margaritas that hil and i initially suspected were virgin margaritas because we felt nothing. then an hour later otie, hil and i were reeling from giddiness. lee ordered one too, purely out of peer pressure (she's been drinking age for eons but never drinks, partially because she is a socially awkward dumbhead who does not have friends.) hil and i were all, omgzorz, lee ordered a drink, let's see how drunk she gets, but by the end of the dinner, lee had taken maybe three sips total. ahahahahahahahaha so funnaaaaay. ok i guess you had to be there.

hil and i were sitting right beside each other and we were texting each other I LOVE YOU and I HATE YOU all night and taking pointless pictures. goodness we are retarded. esty sent me a fuckload of texts during dinner. she apparently got her makeup done professionally for some reason, i have no fucking clue why? she sent me pictures and texted: "what are you doing tonight?" and i texted back "drinking my sorrows away." ahaaaaa
krista and emilie were really nice, i'm glad i got to talk to them at dinner, i hardly ever even see them around. i sat across from emilie and josh. josh ordered french onion soup because apparently he's a french onion soup connoisseur?

i am somehow gotten a quasi-reputation as a chronic stoner. NOT fair, i was actually quite offended when bryan and otie brought it up. this is partially due to ester, she was talking about how funny and strange i get when i am high last time when she was at dinner with the same bunch of people. they all want to see me get high. goodness.
the dinner i ordered was shitty and unfilling for total of $23, but i guess the margarita was cheap, so whatever. otie and i were planning to go to the rivoli on queen west to the rrj magazine fundraiser party, but we were discouraged by the thought of paying $12 cover after spending so much on dinner. ahhh well. i still have hannah's fake id but i have to return it to her because she actually needs it.

what else? oh yes bryan was being very creepy i wanted to smack him in the head. ugh i am never talking to him again. he's like a less annoying version of dave (my friend at queen's), but is still SO CLINGY AHHHHHHHHHH. i excluded myself from the conversations on one end of the table because i didn't want to talk to bryan. god i am so moody. hil and i had a grand time poking each other and making fun of lee though. lee was raving all night about the usual shit she raves about, i.e. the hills, laguna beach, perez hilton, britney spears, what-have-yous. dear lord why in the world is she so dumb?! she is an insult to journalists everywhere. her greatest goal in life is "writing exciting news stories" just like the ones in seventeen magazine - you know, those quasi-articles in stupid girl mags about "HOW I RUINED MY SUMMER BY OVER-DRINKING" or "HOW I LEARNED TO DEAL WITH ANOREXIA". dear fucking lord! they're not even articles, you could churn that shit out in your SLEEP! i dont know how we managed to make fun of her all night without her noticing, i was sitting next to her but she was too engrossed in her laguna beach talk with sean.
otie said i make her feel naturally high, in other words when i'm around her she feels automatically giddy and hyper. which is funny because i'm totally not an energetic person? she says because i'm so chill she becomes the total opposite. interesting?
too bad i didn't take my camera to the dindin, our margaritas were picture worthy.

it was a fun night, after the dinner we hugged all the commuters goodbye. then hil and i went to her room and read nylon mag and played retarded computer games and sing elton john songs and youtube Hole videos and listen to weezer and stalk lee on facebook. do we sound like evil people yet?
in march there is a residence formal, i have not yet bought a dress yet but a bunch of jschoolers are going together. i am actually excited for this stupid thing. can you believe it? otie and josh will be there and so will bryan (ugh) but that's ok i think i will be trashed enough to not mind. emilie and krista invited the bunch of us to pre-drink with them on their floor. okayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. totes excited!
wow this blog post is fucking huge and pretty much pointless.