in lara's room in her 4-person apartment right now. hamilton is so pretty out when it is blanketed with snow. last nite i met many of lara's school friends here and i said a lot of sarcastic things while i was drunk and lara didn't even think i was remotely drunk. what does that exactly say about myself? ahahaahahaha. chris and andrew wore the same I HEART NY shirt without planning to. aha. they were dancing and i videotaped the party, which lara is watching now on her digital camera, and she says it is EPIC. ITS THE BEST THING THAT HAPPENED.
then i went on msn and talked to a billion people on lara's msn while the party was still going on and i gave brett my phone number, then he called me so i talked to brett on the phone and it was SO SURREEEEEAL. i am sure we were both trashed. after i hung up i threw myself on lara's bed and laughed hysterically.
everyone left lara's apartment at 2am and chris, lara, andrew and i left to go to chris's house, he lives outside of mcmaster. we chilled there and i fell asleep for half an hour because i was so goddamn tired and i thought i would never make it while walking back to residence. i could have just fallen flat on the snow and slept silently.
woke up at 1pm today and lara made me breakfast of eggs toast smoked salmon and chai tea. and apple slices. with lots of pepper. my dish was covered with pepper the way snow covers a whole town. we ate and listened to nirvana unplugged in new york on super subwoofer speakers and my ears are kind of still ringing from listening to the album.
now we're chillingggggg and i am facebooking because lara is in the shower. we are going to go out and explore westdale.
word up
westdale's not part of downtown hamilton.......way less sketchy as you now know!
aha yaaaaa
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