PROM 2007
how to even begin...
at zach's:
this picture is so... definitive.
i'm third from the left, front row.

it's surreal how everyone is so gorgeous

the girls, in front of the limo
haha, shit man.

english bay:
on the limo, lara and i rolled down the windows and
screamed our asses off to the people of downtown!


girls: aylz, denise, ester, lara, rachelle, jenny, rox, dara.


jenny and rox.


oh man.

this might be my favourite prom picture EVER,
es and lara look so bomb.


lara's dress reminds me of marlene dietrich

we look too happy

left arrow three

we are TOTAL LOVERS. quote es


i could be a wedding photographer.

pan pacific hotel:
girls' bathroom

an ice sculpture of our school emblem. iiiii know.

europe traveling buddies!

zach and jenny

the history class girls: nathalia, jenny, grace, es

jenny and sean

i love dare.

i love you lar

writing class nerds!!!

jenny and xiao.
at sunrise at spanish banks
none of these are my pictures, though i did take a whole bunch on rox's camera. there are about twenty gazillion photos up on facebook, though i can't find any pictures from the boat cruise.
i can't believe that's over.
everyone was dressed to the nines. we were all SO. GORGEOUS. at zach's we took pictures and had champagne. then took the limo to english bay. the limo ride was freaking exhilirating, we cranked up the radio, rolled down the windows, sang to avril lavigne, and acted like completely happy teenage fools. screamin hi's and givin peace signs to the unknowing people of downtown is so FUN and CATHARTIC and CAREFREE. it made me want to hug everybody. definitely my favourite part of the night.
me: "i LOVE everybody."
took pictures at english bay. the popping corks from our bottles of champagne hit by-passers. that was funnie. i wanted to jump into the ocean!
went to pan pacific, ate a shitty catered dinner, danced our asses off, killed my feet from the high heels, took pictures, complimented on others' dresses. went to anna's grandma's half-renovated apartment to change and get drunk. taxi'd to after-prom boat cruise.
i had the biggest scare right before the boat cruise because the security guards were threatening to use the breathalizer on everyone, which was a lie, but at the time i was disoriented and pretty freaked. denise somehow (magically) got through the guards, onto the boat, but some people were too gone to be let on.
boat cruise from 1 30am till 4 30am, then we taxi'd to spanish banks beach, where we made a bonfire and sat 'round, singing wonderwall by the sunrise... how incredibly corny and lovely. the sun rises really early. it was light by 5am. denise, es, lara and i taxi'd to dennys for breakfast. half the grade twelve student body was there for breakfast as well. we had sunny side up eggs, bacon, toast, the whole shebang. mmm grease.
after brekkie ester left, denise lara and i talked then all fell asleep in midst of talking because we were all so dead. i pulled out all my bobby pins from my updo - there were at least fifty. stayed at our dennys booth corner until 7am. lara's dad, robyn, picked us up and i got home at 8am. slept till 3pm. haha oh man.
felt half-shitty all day yesterday, perhaps slightly hung over, because i felt queasy. weird because i didn't drink much at all. all my muscles are sore though. watched trashtv all day while lying on the couch, i didn't have energy for much more than that. i managed to watch everything from
Pussycat dolls show to
Making a (white) rapstar to
Oprah to
Judge Judy to
Babar, on treehouse channel. Babar rules over all others.
saw all of doctor zhivago in its 3.5-hour widescreen glory on DVD. it was less depressing but more profound than i remembered. my sister and i finished watching at 2 30am. michelle went to sleep but i stayed up watching
ALMOST FAMOUS on cbc. shiz. i heart that movie. when THAT finished, i watched a weirdass psycho movie called
spanking the monkey on tv, and it was even weirder than it sounds. by the time i turned off the tv, it was getting light outside (5am).

woke up about five hours ago. i need to drag my ass outside and do something worthwhile today. seems liike i'm wasting this weekend away! half the girls are at galiano right not partying it up while i am not. i was mad because i wasnt invited before, but Ehn. i remembered i have a concert to go to on Sunday.
going to see andrew's band and the febs at the media club on sunday with dara. will have a blast. probably will fall in love with andrew. NOT. i saw his girlfriend at prom, she was smoking hot in a punk rock sort of way. i told andrew this and he agreed: "i know!"