Sunday, May 13, 2007

give him a great big kiss, muah!


i'm reading walt whitman's song of myself. it is a 50-page poem. it is intriguing.

i did nothing yesterday night but watch trash tv and the finale episode of project catwalk 2007. gahhh i love that show. this morning i gave my mom her mother's day presents.

my mom and dad are talking on the phone and it's stressing me out. FUCK! ughhhh asdfklsdglksadlfjlasgioweeklsmqi. i am about to snap. well, i guess i already did. i snapped at my sister and she asked me what the fuck is wrong with me. my dad *MIGHT* be here for my grad ceremony, how thoughtful. more like how stressful.

HELP. i think i'm having conniptions. the WHOLE DAY today, i pondered if i'm making "THE RIGHT CHOICE" by going into journalism. there are a million reasons why it would be the right choice, but there are also a million reasons why it's not for me.

disturbing disturbing: this week is prom week. prom, afterprom, the whole shebang. i simply cannot wait...... righto. ANYWAY, next sunday is the febs concert, which should make up for the overall superficiality and crappiness of this week.

i have a "nasty" english quiz tomorrow and don't feel like doing anything. i want to watch dr zhivago with lara. and become girls drunk on emotion.

i can't believe how unexcited i am about my new laptop, which is still in its box. i haven't glanced at it since yesterday afternoon.

1 comment:

carrie said...

journalism is a great base degree... you can go in many directions with it. a friend of mine did her undergrad in journalism and then went into law but in between that she wrote manuals for some computer stuff.