greetings all! i bought a laptop over the weekend. how excruciatingly exciting. i'm using it right now as i type away.
i talked to an old friend from grade seven. i hadn't talked to him since grade 10, at the latest. he went on an exchange and now he can speak three languages. i am highly envious of him. i want to see him, but how do i say that without sounding odd? and why do i want to see him anyway, i havent spoken to him for years. we are probably changed people and strangers to each other.
but then again is my weird sentiment i have with old-friends-cum-strangers. i miss them more than i should, i like them more than i remember, i am jealous of them when i don't really have reason to. i create personas in my head, have day dreams about what they are like, and assume that they are exactly what i have created in my mind. i fall in love with my imagination.
prom on thursday. i bought clip-on earrings today from the Bay. they are sparkly with a tiny pearl.
ps. new wilco album out today.
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