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soooooooooooooo incredibly FUCKED for this test. i started "studying" half an hour ago and for the life of me can't remember anything we did this chapter. blanking out is not cooooool :(
i cannot wait to burn all my chemistry notes after the schoolyear is over.
holy shit, can i please skip this test???
in other news... this is a drawing I did of the neutral milk hotel cd cover for "in the aeroplane over the sea":

i am talented
i will take pictures of the finished drawing/watercolour painting later.
good luck on your exam. I have one today that I havent cracked a book open for. I'm hoping I can wing it. It is a lifeguarding exam afterall. How hard can it be to save a life? lol.... oh geez.
that's so good.
that is really good.
that looks familiar. is that a NMH album? i don't have it but i must want it.
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