blogging again because i dont want to go to sleep. tomorrow is a day 2, thnkgd. EW can i PLEASE refrain from talking about school even for just a SECOND???
i had a fight/deep talk with dave today. i say "deep" but i dont mean deep because i've been in way too many deep talks with heart-stabbing, nerve-slicing brutal honesty. therefore this one is completely mundane in comparison. sorry david but this is the truth. haha. i was nearly falling asleep while trying to pointlessly defend myself about why ive been avoiding him. i'm glad we cleared things out though. barf.
my life is so interesting...
i want to have a get-together/party for my 18th birthday, but i can't see having something on the birthday weekend because the mini dance is on the friday of. ie everyone will be preoccupied with idiotic shit. well hopefully not, that sounded rather cynical, even to me. i dont know what i will do because the next weekend is even more inconvenient.
i heard laura m. is holding a massive party (complete with sleepover) for EVERY SINGLE GRAD IN THE SCHOOL at her house in white rock. holy mofo, thats like... 200 students? not that everyone will show up, of course, but why risk it? jesus that will be a fucking gong show.
for once in my life, i wish i were like everyone else.
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