something weird happened today. mom and i were at the gas station across from my apartment at about 9pm. while backing up, we heard a loud POP explosion, like the sound of someone slamming something against the pavement very hard.
my mom thought it was a flattened tire, so she got out of the car. then my sister (who had been at home) called on mom's cellphone and asked "are you guys okay?! i thought i just heard a gunshot!" i told her that yes, we had heard the noise, but that we were fine.
the idea of a gunshot scared the SHIT out of me, though. i know that probably wasn't it, but we don't know what the loud noise was. our tires were fine, but it might have been some other car's tires. jeez. my sister really scared me shitless with that. her voice sounded all fearful.
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