Monday, August 14, 2006

do you remember the time when the city was a great place with architects and debutantes

lara plays neopets. mhmmmmmmmm

so. unbelivably. tired.

i think i'm about to pass out into an endless sleep and it's only 11pm/ WHEEE

my mom had a big fat meeting in the sketchy areas of burnaby and we were dragged along because there was no food in the house to make dinner. ya we're kind of behind in the grocery shopping thing. anyway so my sister and i ordered dinner in dennys and had fat(tening) burgers and the best cheesecake evar mmm.

then we wandered off to the sketchy streets for a while and then it got too cold so we got the car keys from mom and stayed there listening to cd after cd. then we remembered we had our sleeping bag in the trunk and got that out and used it as a blanket................................

after about 3 cds the meeting was over and by then i was half dead from sitting in the uncomfortable seats etc etc etc

btw, remember all that paper cranes i made? yesterday i threaded and knotted them on colourful strings and now they're a bunch of thready origami mobile things that you hang on doorways and stuff. they're colourfulpretty. i dunno where to hang them in my house, though.

what i want right now is this and then some sleep:

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