Tuesday, August 15, 2006

i realized i sound kind of creepy on myspace/blog comments. right-o. time to stop myspacing so much...

oh. speaking of myspace, today i went to stitches in downtown and they had a shirt that said "YOU LOOKED BETTER ON MYSPACE". this is just a GIS, but whatever:

dara, rox, denise, and i went to downtown and tried on some god-awful elton john clothes and slutdresses and did retarded things as usual, like uh run up the descending escalators.

we went to shoppers drug mart at one point and painted our nails five billion different colours in the cosmetics section and a big scary lady came over and yelled at us that it wasn't hygienic to try on nail polish without buying them. the lady had a layer of blue glitter about a centimetre thick on her eyelids. CREEPY.

to celebrate our escaping the creepy lady without buying the bottles of nail polish, we took a picture:

clockwise, from bottom: me, roxy, roxy again, denise, dara.

dara dangerously eyes denise's iced capp. :O :O :O

roxy the batman.

(the backdrop of stanley park was in a mall basement)

bahahah. another huge backdrop

these are the elton john-y clothes. there was also a pair of
tight gold leggings that would have made the set complete,
but no one was brave enough to try those on.


yikes i must get to bed soon. anyway after downtown, dara denise and i mosey'ed to denise's house and ate a huge pot of instant noodles while watching the 2-hour season finale of Hell's Kitchen. intense.

i got home at 10pm and ate neopolitan ice cream. hooray

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