i just got back from kamloops, from the Provincials, and WOAH the whole thing was pretty crazy. umm yah... my mind is kind of all over the place right now and plus i gotta unpack and repack to leave tomorrow morning off to the airport.
kamloops is pretty comical. its small but there are stores everywhere (to create jobs i assume) and there were 3 subways' within like 5 blocks. i wonder what they do there for kicks. of course as usual i was a total nerd and when we were nearing the 3rd hour of our 4-hour drive to kamloops, i went all WOAH LOOKIE THERE, THERE ARE DECIDUOUS TREES WITH WHITE BARK, DUDE. i haven't seen those since we went to alberta in grade 8, HA.
MAN. by sunday night, the provincial swim meet is legend. the tension! the tears! the gossip! the DRAMARAMA! why hasn't someone made a soap opera about this yet? my sister got one gold medal, one silver, and one bronze in all of BC plus some ribbons and i have been a TOTAL LADY-IN-WAITING/MOMPERSON the last few days.
also, i saw tommy again (he greyhound-ed all the way to kamloops) and um guess who, the vice principal from my high school, mr K, he has 2 small daughters who're swimmers. we talked quite a bit.. iiiiiiiiiiiinterestingggggggg.
ANYWAY. i've been gone for uh four days and ive recieved 64 emails in the inbox. but i haven't gotten my school stuff yet in the mail (the main school stuff), which is weird because michelle's received hers ages ago...
i've got to go and type my super secret thing and i will try to blog in korea. byes!
ps. omfg. on wednesday i bought a BLUE COOKIE MONSTER DOLL and it's amazing. oh plus we have a stuffed dog named Woof now. stories to come later
pps. thx for all the plane letters doods!

:O you're back! Huzzah! and now you're gone.... T_T
creepy. one of mr. land's daughters was at my basketball camp.
Show Nam the cookie monster. He'll love it!
I used to swim, I actually still have friends that were up in Kamloops coaching, and I gotta filled in on allllllll the drama...somethings never change (and I love it!)
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