spoooools of threaaaads.
my mom is in a bad mood. she's pissed because some idiot cashier at safeway got mouthy at her when she told him to put the peaches in a different plastic bag than the eggs or something, I DUNNO. shes irritated at pretty much everything, ie. how i refuse to eat eggs on toast (um gross) and how i didn't scrape out every single goop of strawberry jam before being finished with the jar.
i went to the library and holy crap guess what i found in the vhs section? videos of the agathe christie's poirot mysteries.. i used to watch those poirot tv movies on A&E religiously, both my sister and i. well i guess i was lucky. i also rented the princess bride and i cant wait to watch it. ha.
ps. im getting obsessed about kids books ie all the books you read in grades 5-7. they're obviously ten times better than normal books.
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