i had the sketchiest night ever. this weekend is, as roxy says, going to test my studying, working, and partying skills. YES i work. well not really. lets not talk about that.
so last night was grad sleeepover - this is an event in which all grade 12s hang out at school at night. we were supposed to camp out in tents in the school field, too, but we nixed that idea after the cops came at around 1:30am. there was drunken debauchery and juvenile loudness. i was pretty buzzed and i was talking to people i never talk to, like ryan (who was shitfaced), david a, justin h, ellen, wes, etc. music blasted from the subwoofers of somebody's SUV.
someone brought a barbeque grill (i think it was andrew) but i dont know what happened to it, because when we heard there were cops, we RAN, RAN, RAN like prisoners on the lam. lara hid her weed in the bushes and we walked to a nearby park. es needed to get her car and i needed to get my sleeping shit from es's car, so we risked going back to the school (her car was parked there). matt, es, michael and i were like total spies running from the feds, ducking down at every cruiser flash. matt ran to es's car and DROVE IT BACKWARDS to pick us up. so sketch. i think matt got his dad to pick up his own car, which was parked right in front of a cop cruiser. i didnt see dara after we ran, but she slept over at jaimie's house, which is right by the school.
matt drove us to lara's house. neese, xiao, lara, em, rox, rachael were there already. we chilled for a while then matt drove people home. thank the fucking lord for matt, he is the best chauffeur who'll never get drunk. i slept in a sleeping bag on the basement floor at lara's, then was awoken at 4am. lara and i went up to her mother's empty bed and slept there until 8am. when i saw myself in the mirror, i looked like a regurgitated pizzza. all yellow and goooey and gross. that was when i was truly afraid of myself because holy shit did i look messed up.
we went to school at 8:15am. today is grad skip day, which means all the grade 12s are served breakfast at school by the teachers, and that we all skip classes. instead, the grade 12s go on a rampaging parade in the school hallways, where we gather all sorts of noisemakers and shit-disturbing tools and make the loudest fucking parade of pranks and noises. it's a long school tradition. people had skateboards, scooters, trombones, saxophones, drums, trashcans-cum-drums, pots and pans, whistles, tambourines, and trumpets. someone brought a real live rooster, in its cantankerous glory, and let it loose in the hallway near the spanish classrooms. we sprayed gooey gummy ropes of sticky shit our of aerosol cans. we whooped, we hollered, we shrieked, we slammed on the lockers,we whistled, we cat-called, we gave peace signs, we gave devil horn signs, we yelled. i high-fived two teachers, b-man and sill'r, who were smiling at us youth. it was wicked. we went thru the mini building and made a racket, and paraded through classes, laughing at the younger grades who are still in school today...
there is a giant ass party going down in a beach about an hour from here. the beach is part of this girl's family's huge estate, and she's invited the entire grade, all 250 kids, to her place, to party, sleep over if they need to, and have breakfast there as well. crazy eh? i'm not going, though i think about what i would be like if i went. probably out of my mind. thank god not all my friends are going, otherwise i would probably go and then probably go insane then probably call myself an idiot afterwards.
when i came home this morning after the grad skip day, my mom and i had a deep amicable discussion. she trusts me wholly. it scares me, a little, how i could have all of somone's trust, 100% of it. i guess i have been reliable all this while. i need to come back to earth, for my head's sake.
i am reading jack kerouac's On The Road, and it is pretty damn amazing.

taken in march.

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