Saturday, May 12, 2007

your kisses are wasted on me!

went out to downtown with xiao, denise, malc and dara yesterday nite. dara bought prom shoes, hallelujah! i spent more money on parking than anything else. mmmm FUN.

had a tres filling "dinner" of new york fries. i should make some healthier choices. i had a headache the whole time, so i was grumpy... yuh. i wanted to buy this blue/brown summer dress made of canvas material from zara, but i refrained from spending more money.

after downtown i went to chapters by myself and bought my mother's day gifts:

dr zhivago DVD, plus a magazine, some candy, and two cds.

i came home at 10 30pm, completely drained & pooped out from shopping.

I BOUGHT A LAPTOP TODAY! it looks like this:

the laptop itself cost $900. mmmm YUMMERS. BARF @ spending money once again.

i am materialist, no?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


that looks exactly the same as MY laptop. :O