agh, im afraid something's going to blow up im afraid something's going to blow up im afraid something's going to blow up im afraid something's going to blow up.
i havent bought cd in over a month, i am slowly going to fucking disintegrate into dust.
everything is Meh.
gosh i need OLP to tour THIS INSTANT.
once, i dreamed that i had 4 holes in each ear.
myspace is retarded. what the hell's the fucking point?
the most memorable lyric from beautiful midnight is You can be art when we melt.
i think i'm going to change my name for real. after march or something maybe. i hatehatehatehatehate my name for the most part. too bad i was retarded and stupid when i named myself.
i have wet hair right now.
the ending of running for home is perfect.
when i want to leave, no one will give me a ride.
i spend way too much time on the computer.
people, its not CHINESE new year okayyyyyyyy its LUNAR new year k thx.
i pretty much dress like a boring weirdo, mostly in jeans and unimpressive tshirts and fat jackets.
if i had a pair of old jeans and some fabric markers, i would write lyrics all over it and pretend to be artsy and silent.
every girl goes thru a photography phase and i like to fool myself into thinking that im pretty good at taking good pictures.
every time i go downtown, i think, "maybe i'll bump into matt (or jen) good in hmv or something."
this grade-8 girl in my photography class was telling her friend that she listens to what she called "cool music" and i asked her what her version of cool music was and she said "oh like old stuff like jimi hendrix and nirvana" and i smiled.
once i got dragged into a La Senza store and i broke a crate full of stuff because i was bored and waiting for people and i was sitting on the crate. i ran away before a saleslady walked my way.
once i went in this skater shop place and i was wearing a shirt that said "disco is dead" (thx denise) and the dude was like 'thats a cool shirt' and i responded with the coldest "thanks".
okay bye.
you are talented.
end of story.
IT'S CHINESE NEW YEAR. I'm Chinese so therefore that is what I celebrate. You can celebrate Lunar New Year if that's what floats your boat.
i like the random little things u mentioned.
btw that was me, and im denisee. lol
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