tonite is the coldplay concert and there are several people going, including some annoying people. they made me go Meh today. whatever. if your favourite band is coldplay, at least stop being annoying. please. i guess i am being unreasonably pissed off and mean, etc, etc, etc. ha.
i have come to the grand conclusion that i am in love with the idea of falling in love (i think this is a quote from somebody, maybe dara). how tragically cliche in a hopeless romantic way. i dont even give a thought about with whom. i fantasize about stupid little cool moments that may or may not happen in a relationship, like playing on the swings in the rain, or sharing earphones with a mysterious sweetheart. gag. ok i need to change topic now or i might vomit from my own stupidity.
i totally did a cool thing today, and that was to carve the word Fugazi on the desk in the french room. ha ha ha. 'cool' being 'derived from extreme boredeom', maybe. plus i started another story during socials class and i wanted people to take turns and continue writing it, 2 sentences at a time, but dara said Meh so i wrote it by myself.
people requiring special attention are bothering me too, i wish i could just pointedly ignore them and not give a fucking shit about how i'm supposed to act, because all i get from them is hypocritical treatment. hellooooo, if you expect me to be nice to you, at least look at my eyes when i'm trying to make some conversation, so i dont feel like complete shit.
whatever. my rant is done. i plan to procrastinate on doing homework and go to bed while listening to jeff buckley.

1 comment:
quote = mine
and my being artistically challenged in the writing department apparently = Meh
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