Saturday, January 21, 2006

you write such pretty words, but life's no storybook

my usual 3-day school skiing trip to whistler was fun. i'm beginning to think that i enjoy myself more when i'm not jumping around obsessing about people. gasp, i know. i have uber-improved in my skiing, which was never really my thing, but it cant hurt to be good at something. i didn't take any pictures, but i plan to steal some from my friends. lots of gossip went around during the trip, which made me go Ehn.

On thursday night, everybody crowded over to our lodge to watch the canucks hockey game, and more popularly, the OC. i still dont really get why it's good yet, this one being the second episode ever watched, but i assume the faux rich-teen melodrama gets addicting after a while.

on the 3 hour bus ride back to vancouver, people were being obnoxious and plus dara and i were sitting in front of eric, which can only be so fun. not. i pretended to be uber-absorbed into my music and looked out the never-changing scenery, while thinking about random shit, like I wonder how many girls on this bus are wearing tampons right now, and I hope the valentines day/dance doesnt suck, please, for the love of god.


today i couldnt keep my eyes off this teenaged guy and girl holding hands. he wore a white blazer-typey jackety thing and she wore a denim skirt. too too perfect.

i wanted to get a bob haircut, but the hairdresser dude was all like "Your hair will look ugly if you get a bob haircut because your hair is too thick and blahblahblah blachadsfkjsdlfdf its better if you leave it long and maybe get highlights, what do you think?" so i got it trimmed, but that's it. i told my mom How about i dye the ends of my hair purple and she said Oh okay but by then the hairdresser's was nearly closing so we left. i was only two-thirds serious anyway.

what kind of retarded url is

omg. i got the raymi book dfkjasl;fjsdkjflsdjfkkj!!!$!@!!!!!!!! jason lent me it and i cant wait to read it after i finish the last whatever hundred pages of Pandemic. i read a little bit of it as soon as i got it in the mail and i can tell its already one of my favourite books, or maybe its just cause i am precisely retarded in the same way.

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