i forgot to tell you all, while i was on my skiing trip, on the last day when i was returning my rental skis, i saw all these little kids in ski school or whatever and there was a teacher with them and he was uber tall and i kind of recognized him and then something in my mind went CLICK and i remembered that he was mr. cowie and i went OH MY GOD ARE YOU KIDS FROM GLEN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL?!?!?!?!!? and the lil kid says Yes, and i am like OH MY GOD IS MS WEGRICH STILL THERE AND MR STELLA AND MR KRAYLEY? AND THATS MR COWIE RIGHT THERE! and the kid says yes, yes yes yes! and im like AHHH HOLY SHIT except i didnt say holy shit, i said something in the lines of oh my god oh my god, in a very loud and uncontrollable voice.
then i went up to mr cowie and im like HI I REMEMBER YOU FROM WHEN I WENT TO GLEN ELEMENTARY WHEN I WAS IN GRADE FIVE! and he's like who are you? and im like I WAS IN MS WEGRICHS GRADE 5 CLASS and i was totally hyper and superduper excited from the fucking sweeping nostalgia. i yelled some more to my friends but im sure none of them knows why this was so exciting.
i remember i went on the whistler trips when i was in grade 4 and 5. it was back when i was still living in coquitlam.
the whole thing was so goddamned welcoming. i miss grade 5. i miss the tiny elementary school in the suburbia where you are not allowed to swear and where you have reading buddies in grade 4 and where you play in the gravel playground and where you have to wait and count to at least 60 when someone is on the swingset and you want to get on and where you are the oldest grade when you are in grade 5, and you go off to graduation camp when you are 12, and where you sing o canada in english and french, and where you have a picture of terry fox in front of the office (he went to the school) and where you have the big fat stage in the gym. aghaghaghaghagh.
i miss having hotdog day and sports day in elementary school. those were the best. i also miss bringing my sesame street lunchbox to school.
yeahyeah i miss all that too, ever bit of it. down to the gravel and the terry fox.
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