excellent excellent, the unspeakable name is no longer on google, therefore my old blog is no longer reachable by googling that word.
i still miss the shitload of archives i had, though. too bad. sigh.
i want to write a novel, but im afraid i have absolutely zero plotlines whatsoever in my head. i need a clever one that unfolds itself at the end and has something profuckingfound to say. i dont see it happening anytime soon. whenever i write whats in my head onto paper, it usually ends up whiny and disgustingly ugly. if i ever became a musician, my lyrics would probably sound like avril lavigne's.
okay, so maybe not avril lavigne. but still pretty unliterary shit. my blog (the old one, anyway) is the best anything that i've written but it had a lot of crap in it too. sigh sigh sigh. its all gone now. thanks, fuckers. i hope you skip first class tomorrow so i dont have to see you.
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