Thursday, August 31, 2006
freaking jetlag. i fell asleep after 5am and woke up at 12 30pm, but only because the phone rang. i went back to sleep and woke again at 2. SO TIRED.
i have nothing to say, except im extremely dreading the first day of school and i do not look forward to filling in stupid forms and thinking about my classes. ughhh. stupidstupidstupid
this schoolyear better be good or i'll kick something. if it turns out to be anything like grade 10 or 11, i'll die out of depression or boredom.
vacation pictures soon, i promise
ps. where on earth did dara go?... she's MIA.
Soozy tagged me.
If you get tagged, you have to write 8 different things about you people don't know. Then tag other people...
don't you all know me inside and out by now? ...
My 8 Things:
2. my favourite colour to wear is green. OMFG. i bought a green headband while i was on vacation for $4 and IT RULES THE UNIVERSE. i heart it very much.
3. when i was two or three, i had a huge stuffed Pluto. (you know... the Disney dog. not the planet kind.) it made my eyes itchy, though, so i had to go to an eye doctor for a while. i dont know where my beloved Pluto went. boo.
4. when i was in grades 2-5, i was a total bookworm. i mean like i read a hundred books a week. i had like 5 gigantic bookshelves full of books and my mom had about 20 just to herself. compared to all that, now i hardly ever read.
5. sometimes i think im so easily swayed by others' opinions about everything.
6. i keep a notebook full of random shit and i mean RANDOM like a list of "GIRL NAMES I LIKE" and a drawing of a broken disco ball with an umbrella sticking out of it. uhh.
7. i have girl crushes on lexi valentine, kim gordon (who is like 50 years old), regina spektor, and miriam toews, who wrote a complicated kindness. actually i might be in love with only the Nomi character, who knows. oh and scarlett johansson although she's becoming overrated.
lexi valentine is in the middle. (magneta lane)

kim gordon (sonic youth)
miriam toews.
scarlett. duh

kim gordon (sonic youth)
miriam toews.
scarlett. duh
8. sometimes i read blog archives for fun when i'm on the internet late late nite. like now. ha
this is prob the lamest post ever but i spent forever on it so w/e. I TAG EVERYBODY WHO HASNT DONE THIS GODDAMNED THING YET. especially people who haven't properly updated their blog since May. cough cough
its freaking 3am. argh
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
on a random note, the most inconvenient thing you can be in an airport is an Asian. be it middle eastern asian or far-eastern. i dont know if its just me or are airport security guards the most racist people in the entire universe? seriously, every time i go to airports, i examine and study how people get treated and i can't come to a clean conclusion if they're just doing their job or being unfair.
people lump you into one big group of asians and it dont matter if youve studied at top schools blah blah blah sdfsdfslagjsdlkfjsaldksfw you're still asian and too bad for you. once my aunt and her husband went to the US to see their son and she got mocked by these shiteater security guards. yeah ok enough of that.
anyway this reminds me of the time in Kamloops about 2 weeks ago. my mom, sister and i were walking thru the food court in the crappy gaudy lil kamloopian mall, and my sister touched this 20something woman by accident. she said, "excuuuuuuse me would be nice," in this total kindergarten teacher ironic honey singsong voice, then her bf was like "there's a word called sorry, you know" as if we were retarded children.
we said nothing, but i stopped and gave them the bitchiest, most disgusted look i could muster. they were prob in shock that we were a) capable of understanding english and b) capable of getting angry.
annnnnnnnnnyyywayyyy im done talking about racist fucktards. WHEEEEEEEEEEE. i sound like such a disgruntled ignorant weirdo.
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
you and whose army?

Kyongbokkung palace in seoul. i was there last wednesday.
im back in vancouver. i have 46 emails to read and 700+ photos to go through, though. obviously i will not be posting all those photos here, or even half of them... i may have to resort to using picasa or something. bleearrrggh.
unpacking took like four hours. oh and may i say that i hate this terrorist shit because it took us 2.5 hours to get out of the freakin airport due to tight security. plus some other stuff happened in the airport but thats a long storyyyyy
vancouver/richmond seems too bland after that ultra fast, ultra packed week of vacationing and family shiz. i want to like vancouver, i really do, but IT'S SO LAME.
OK time to read emails!
i bet my postcards havent even arrived here yet.
fat blog post coming soon prob.
Monday, August 21, 2006

oh fuck! i just realized all my comments from pre-august blogposts are deleted because they're all somehow haloscan-ed. well well well how fun and swell is that. oh look, that sort of rhymed, even. wait what? um fuck this blogthing. I HATE TECHNICALITIES
update your javascripts of something plz people. i know nothing about it but there's a 1.3 and a 1.4 and the people who have 1.3 are incapable of using haloscan etc. i know this because i have done my ever-so-thoughtful research thru sitemeter. uh huh...
anywho, i'm really going to bed now. for real. by the way dara, you made me waste a lot of colour ink when i printed out your plane letter but thx for it because its all pwetty. you forgot one though. i have a special inside joke yakyak and that's this:

okok im going to bed before i get any more insaner.

why do people read xiaxue's blog? its coz it's FREAKING ADDICTING. and why's that? coz she's a self-centered narcisstic arrogant brat living the glam life who is honest plus mostly hilarious in an asian way. i love all the honger/chinese LA's she adds in her sentences. bahahahaha. total azn pride, la.
so my theory of the day goes:
anyway. its nearly 2 30am, shite. I LOVE THE INTERNET I CANT LEAVE IT FOR EIGHT WHOLE DAYS! ive been cming and myspacing and blogging and blogreading and whatever else. reading blogs is neverendingggggggggggg.
enjoy these while i go POOF to another continient:
from blown speakers
this is a 44. caliber love letter straight from my heart

i just got back from kamloops, from the Provincials, and WOAH the whole thing was pretty crazy. umm yah... my mind is kind of all over the place right now and plus i gotta unpack and repack to leave tomorrow morning off to the airport.
kamloops is pretty comical. its small but there are stores everywhere (to create jobs i assume) and there were 3 subways' within like 5 blocks. i wonder what they do there for kicks. of course as usual i was a total nerd and when we were nearing the 3rd hour of our 4-hour drive to kamloops, i went all WOAH LOOKIE THERE, THERE ARE DECIDUOUS TREES WITH WHITE BARK, DUDE. i haven't seen those since we went to alberta in grade 8, HA.
MAN. by sunday night, the provincial swim meet is legend. the tension! the tears! the gossip! the DRAMARAMA! why hasn't someone made a soap opera about this yet? my sister got one gold medal, one silver, and one bronze in all of BC plus some ribbons and i have been a TOTAL LADY-IN-WAITING/MOMPERSON the last few days.
also, i saw tommy again (he greyhound-ed all the way to kamloops) and um guess who, the vice principal from my high school, mr K, he has 2 small daughters who're swimmers. we talked quite a bit.. iiiiiiiiiiiinterestingggggggg.
ANYWAY. i've been gone for uh four days and ive recieved 64 emails in the inbox. but i haven't gotten my school stuff yet in the mail (the main school stuff), which is weird because michelle's received hers ages ago...
i've got to go and type my super secret thing and i will try to blog in korea. byes!
ps. omfg. on wednesday i bought a BLUE COOKIE MONSTER DOLL and it's amazing. oh plus we have a stuffed dog named Woof now. stories to come later
pps. thx for all the plane letters doods!

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

i just finished watching Dear Wendy and i had to blog about it because this movie is insane. it's about these bunch of loser kids starting a club of pacifist gunholders. they study guns down to every detail and such, but vow to never brandish them or take them out in plain view. the concept was fascinating. it's kind of like Fight Club, even.
the last half was pretty gruesome rather than original, it kind of ended up like how Elephant ended, with people dying out... i guess they couldn't think of a much better ending, although it was sort of all symbolic at the end.
the cinematography stuff was excellent and i loved all the actors but i wish it hadn't dragged on for so long. i've seen too much blood. i was tense the whole time because even the sight of guns creep me out.
it was quite disturbing and fascinating. it had a draggy ending, but worth seeing, i think.
the last half was pretty gruesome rather than original, it kind of ended up like how Elephant ended, with people dying out... i guess they couldn't think of a much better ending, although it was sort of all symbolic at the end.
the cinematography stuff was excellent and i loved all the actors but i wish it hadn't dragged on for so long. i've seen too much blood. i was tense the whole time because even the sight of guns creep me out.
it was quite disturbing and fascinating. it had a draggy ending, but worth seeing, i think.
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
but it's sometimes wise just to shut your eyes
more paper cranes...
holy shit. im going to be INSANELY busy for the next few days... STARTING NOW. i severely need to start packing packgin 7=asfklsd;gsdflsjaflwwakllpackg!!!!
btw denise/dara, i bought that green shirt we saw yesterday at zara's. huzzah
i'm leaving the day after tomorrow for kamloops...
dear pw people: please email me a plane letter. i'll print it out and read it on the plane during the fuckin 16-hr flight. your final deadline is Sunday the 20th 8pm at the latest, but it is much preferable that you send me it before i leave for kamloops, by uh, tomorrow. i am leaving on the morning of 17th, returning briefly to vancouver on the 20th for sleep, then i am off and away on the morning of the 21st.
wow that paragraph sounded so businesslike XD
edit: my dad called and apparently he's got tix for the korean disneyland-equivalent water park :O
at dennys: i had the sprite, my sister had the hot chocolate
i realized i sound kind of creepy on myspace/blog comments. right-o. time to stop myspacing so much...
oh. speaking of myspace, today i went to stitches in downtown and they had a shirt that said "YOU LOOKED BETTER ON MYSPACE". this is just a GIS, but whatever:
dara, rox, denise, and i went to downtown and tried on some god-awful elton john clothes and slutdresses and did retarded things as usual, like uh run up the descending escalators.
we went to shoppers drug mart at one point and painted our nails five billion different colours in the cosmetics section and a big scary lady came over and yelled at us that it wasn't hygienic to try on nail polish without buying them. the lady had a layer of blue glitter about a centimetre thick on her eyelids. CREEPY.
to celebrate our escaping the creepy lady without buying the bottles of nail polish, we took a picture:
oh. speaking of myspace, today i went to stitches in downtown and they had a shirt that said "YOU LOOKED BETTER ON MYSPACE". this is just a GIS, but whatever:
dara, rox, denise, and i went to downtown and tried on some god-awful elton john clothes and slutdresses and did retarded things as usual, like uh run up the descending escalators.
we went to shoppers drug mart at one point and painted our nails five billion different colours in the cosmetics section and a big scary lady came over and yelled at us that it wasn't hygienic to try on nail polish without buying them. the lady had a layer of blue glitter about a centimetre thick on her eyelids. CREEPY.
to celebrate our escaping the creepy lady without buying the bottles of nail polish, we took a picture:
clockwise, from bottom: me, roxy, roxy again, denise, dara.
dara dangerously eyes denise's iced capp. :O :O :O
roxy the batman.
(the backdrop of stanley park was in a mall basement)
bahahah. another huge backdrop
these are the elton john-y clothes. there was also a pair of
tight gold leggings that would have made the set complete,
but no one was brave enough to try those on.
dara dangerously eyes denise's iced capp. :O :O :O
roxy the batman.
(the backdrop of stanley park was in a mall basement)
bahahah. another huge backdrop
these are the elton john-y clothes. there was also a pair of
tight gold leggings that would have made the set complete,
but no one was brave enough to try those on.
yikes i must get to bed soon. anyway after downtown, dara denise and i mosey'ed to denise's house and ate a huge pot of instant noodles while watching the 2-hour season finale of Hell's Kitchen. intense.
i got home at 10pm and ate neopolitan ice cream. hooray
i got home at 10pm and ate neopolitan ice cream. hooray
Monday, August 14, 2006
woah. quantum physics-lovin ian would go gaga over this. trippy. my head hurts after the eighth dimension.

aahhahahahahahahaahahahaah sean is funnie.
ps. the above picture is a screencap of my blog, for those unfortunate souls with IE who cant see my wonderful .gif-filled, links-laden sidebar. cough cough download firefox. all the cool kids have it DUH
pps. tomorrow/today i finally get to see dara and neese and rox THANK THE FREAKIN LORD.
do you remember the time when the city was a great place with architects and debutantes
lara plays neopets. mhmmmmmmmm
so. unbelivably. tired.
i think i'm about to pass out into an endless sleep and it's only 11pm/ WHEEE
my mom had a big fat meeting in the sketchy areas of burnaby and we were dragged along because there was no food in the house to make dinner. ya we're kind of behind in the grocery shopping thing. anyway so my sister and i ordered dinner in dennys and had fat(tening) burgers and the best cheesecake evar mmm.
then we wandered off to the sketchy streets for a while and then it got too cold so we got the car keys from mom and stayed there listening to cd after cd. then we remembered we had our sleeping bag in the trunk and got that out and used it as a blanket................................
after about 3 cds the meeting was over and by then i was half dead from sitting in the uncomfortable seats etc etc etc
btw, remember all that paper cranes i made? yesterday i threaded and knotted them on colourful strings and now they're a bunch of thready origami mobile things that you hang on doorways and stuff. they're colourfulpretty. i dunno where to hang them in my house, though.
what i want right now is this and then some sleep:
Sunday, August 13, 2006
i tried to apply haloscan comments once again but of course it miserably failed, as in, it worked for me and just about everybody else on the planet except denise's computer and i can't live with that, so i changed it back. again. my temper is going up n down really fast
i shouldn't attempt to change my template and shit because my html skills are totally lackadaisical and BLEEAARGH and why do i even bother doing this again? i need to either a) stop fiddling around or b) become a complete html nerdgeek so i can fix shiz
YAY bye.
Saturday, August 12, 2006
Haha. I showed this to Denise already... remember that day when we went to Granville Island and caused a ruckus on the swings?...
i uh played that game all throughout elementary school and i remembered it out of nowhere i guess. we had fun and we were pretty much the loudest people on the entire island. heh.
i uh played that game all throughout elementary school and i remembered it out of nowhere i guess. we had fun and we were pretty much the loudest people on the entire island. heh.

i watched kiki's delivery service. it was cute and charming. aw. im sort of envious of her witchy flying skills.
i've been listening to the flaming lips obsessively. yoshimi battles the pink robots is such a delightful album. it makes me wanna write and draw kids' colourful picture books.
if dara cooperates i think we might see Scoop tomorrow or maybe An Inconvenient Truth.
i've started on a brand new pristine white sketchbook and i'm doodling some stuff on it. hopefully something good 'n' artistic will come out of the doodles. byes
Friday, August 11, 2006

i finished reading a boy of good breeding. it was good, but 'a complicated kindness' is still 100x better. i still have a stack of unread books in my shelf and i think i'll read 'cannery row' next unless a good library book jumps out in which i would have to read that first.
i have sixty or so spaces left on buzznet for this month and i wonder if i should upload the rest of my gazilion photos that i havent even looked through yet. ugggggh.
anyway, enjoy the new banner :D
i took that photo in a convience store across from lord byng school while i was buying ice cream.
i woke up and the newspaper said RED ALERT and all through breakfast my mom and i listened to the news about the bomb plot foiled in britain. ugh and shit, i hate to think what might have happened.
anyway i'm leaving to korea in like a week and we aren't allowed to take any toiletries/liquids on the plane whatsoever plus we gotta get to the airport 4 hours prior. canadian regulations are somewhat lenient compared to the us/uk's, though.
in between soundbites about what you're banned from carrying on the airplane, the radio was blaring an ad about the world trade centre movie with cheesy patriotic lines and i wanted to barf right then. fucking wtc. it pains me that people are ... paying to see this uberpatriotic movie.
needless to say, the entire front section of today's globe and mail is all about this and its mighty depressing to follow stories like this.
i've changed the blog template a lil bit. for the first time in my life, i just viewed my blog on Internet Explorer...
ewwwwww. if you have not already done so, PLEASE DO YOURSELF A FAVOUR AND DOWNLOAD FIREFOX because my blog looks so goddamned ugly in IE.
you should have had firefox anyway because it pwns IE.
ewwwwww. if you have not already done so, PLEASE DO YOURSELF A FAVOUR AND DOWNLOAD FIREFOX because my blog looks so goddamned ugly in IE.
you should have had firefox anyway because it pwns IE.
Thursday, August 10, 2006

this blog is looking more and more like a cross between a xanga (thus all the photos) and a livejournal (thus all the lyrics) every day.
oh yeah my sister has gotten some fancy ass swim training equipment as we countdown to the provincial swim meet next week. there is this miniscule waterproof metronome that you can set it to beep at quick/quicker speeds and stick inside your swimcap on your ear. after about fifteen minutes of swimming with it in your ear, your freestyling arms will automatically move at a quick regular tempo...
it's kind of like pavlovian conditioning. UBER CREEPY. it reminds me of brave new world. anyway all the kids who're serious about swimming has got one. you'd get disqualified if you swam your race with it though.
Her name is Yoshimi!
she's a black belt in karateworking for the city
she has to discipline her body
'Cause she knows that
it's demanding
to defeat those evil machines
I know she can beat them
Oh Yoshimi, they don't believe me
but you won't let those robots eat me
Yoshimi, they don't believe me
but you won't let those robots defeat me
Those evil-natured robots
they're programmed to destroy us
she's gotta be strong to fight them
so she's taking lots of vitamins
'Cause she knows that
it'd be tragic
if those evil robots win
I know she can beat them
i got my mini school stuff in the mail with all the strath and school forms to fill out and it annoys me to death. the mini school letterhead is drastically changed and the letter was in comic sans font which just pisses me off because i hate that shitty font and it was signed A Humphreis and i wonder who the new secretary is.
FUCKING CHANGES I HATE THEM ALL even though the mini forms look about 100x neater.
remember that kinnear dude? GOSH we need him back badly or i think i might go nuts. i feel bad for our entire freakin class.
btw im sure you know dare/lar/denise, we have a student meeting on wed sept 6 from 2:00 to 3:10pm in the gym at the mini school and "attendance is required". um yah wtf.
im obviously totally biased and i hate changes and this is the idiotic stubborn side of me coming out BLEAARGH
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
let's get over this, i'm your lovertits
i dug up such old photos from the internet. stuff from eons ago.
I AM SUCH AN INTERNET GEEK. sometimes frighten myself.
these are taken by denise, except the last one, which is ayla's.
lara enjoys sushi.
me and roxy.
At the grade 10 vday dance...
when we all went INSANE :O :O :O
to think about it now, i kind of find things comical and immature. haha.
(although it wasnt funny at all back then.)
denise and me. aw i miss my gold chain. i broke it last summer :(
girlies zach and emily. how adorable. HAHA
lar and neese
i was wearing denise's shirt. yay
denise's caption to this one was:
"dare in the food court @ our career fair thing"
i obviously wasnt there
:O when did you take this?
aw group hug!
denise and rox, at that class dinner i was absent from
oh my! it's lara! and look who's sitting beside her... dot dot dot
remember when we did these at the Vancouver Art Gallery workshop?
I AM SUCH AN INTERNET GEEK. sometimes frighten myself.
these are taken by denise, except the last one, which is ayla's.
OMFG. Me (obviously not listening) in grade 10 math class. HLYSHT
hey, i'm wearing my super old shoes.
hey, i'm wearing my super old shoes.
lara enjoys sushi.
me and roxy.
At the grade 10 vday dance...
when we all went INSANE :O :O :O
to think about it now, i kind of find things comical and immature. haha.
(although it wasnt funny at all back then.)
denise and me. aw i miss my gold chain. i broke it last summer :(
girlies zach and emily. how adorable. HAHA
lar and neese
i was wearing denise's shirt. yay
dara says:
dara says:
I keep forgetting that vincent was in our class
- Jen - Fenny ... says:
dara says:
like, not forgetting
dara says:
dara says:
dara says:
I keep forgetting that vincent was in our class
- Jen - Fenny ... says:
dara says:
like, not forgetting
dara says:
dara says:
denise's caption to this one was:
"dare in the food court @ our career fair thing"
i obviously wasnt there
:O when did you take this?
aw group hug!
denise and rox, at that class dinner i was absent from
oh my! it's lara! and look who's sitting beside her... dot dot dot
remember when we did these at the Vancouver Art Gallery workshop?
hi all
i wonder when i'll quit blogging
i dont think i'd ever get bored of it
i got a stern "YOU MUST BE 18 TO VIEW THAT CONTENT" warning when i clicked on raymi's buzznet today
wow i totally sounded like a whiny brainless teen there.
i've been listening to My Bloody Valentine like crazy and im in love with their lyrics.
we have crazy neighbours across the hall. last nite at about 3am, some girl stormed out and shouted FUCK YOU! really loud. and another time, the girl ran in the hallway and shouted on her cellphone saying melofuckingdramatic things. it's like a reality show right here in my apartment.
note: this sort of thing never happens in my apartment building. 90% of the residents are asians who avoid others and live in their own asian world.
Hahahah. remember how i was banished into the 8th level of hell?
matt got into the first level of hell... the Limbo:

i kind of feel evil in comparison. i think i just confirmed that girls are 100x more sinister
matt got into the first level of hell... the Limbo:

i kind of feel evil in comparison. i think i just confirmed that girls are 100x more sinister
my friend justin (the one who jumped off a roof) is a temporary wheelchairer and cripple and eats codeine to ease his pain.
im trying to get him to talk, but we never talk unless it's about concerts, so i can't really see it happening.
i am hoping he is not suicidal. although i can't imagine him even remotely emo. i hope he was totally drunk. which sounds likely
yoshimi battles the pink robots!

someone needs to take this container full of sea salt AWAY FROM ME because i've eaten half of it. crunchy salt grains chomp chomp
this morning for breakfast i had nutella, peanut butter, and strawberry jam all on toast. MMMM FATTENING.
i've had at least six people now ask me about my msn screen name. the "sleep like a pillow" part, not the "pshaw on you!" part. WHATEVS.
The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to
the Eigth Level of Hell - the Malebolge!
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:
the Eigth Level of Hell - the Malebolge!
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:
Level | Score |
Purgatory (Repenting Believers) | Very Low |
Level 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers) | Low |
Level 2 (Lustful) | Moderate |
Level 3 (Gluttonous) | Moderate |
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious) | Moderate |
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy) | Very High |
Level 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics) | Very High |
Level 7 (Violent) | Moderate |
Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers) | Very High |
Level 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous) | Moderate |
Take the Dante's Divine Comedy Inferno Test
i'm wrathful and gloomy, heretic, fradulent and malicious and a panderer? :O
i wonder how emily would do on this test. seriously. she'd barely touch on purgatory? ha
.dara - T birds says:
- Jen - Fenny ... PSHAW ON YOU! says:
.dara - T birds says:
.dara - T birds says:
ultimate burn.
- Jen - Fenny ... PSHAW ON YOU! says:
.dara - T birds says:
*runs away with maniacal laughter*
- Jen - Fenny ... PSHAW ON YOU! says:
youre eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevol
- Jen - Fenny ... PSHAW ON YOU! says:
.dara - T birds says:
.dara - T birds says:
ultimate burn.
- Jen - Fenny ... PSHAW ON YOU! says:
.dara - T birds says:
*runs away with maniacal laughter*
- Jen - Fenny ... PSHAW ON YOU! says:
youre eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevol
My name is Lucille!
And I knoooooooow how you feel
I live downstairs,
I hear you taking out your garbage
I hear you loving your girlfriend
I hear you loving yourself too
I hear you turning your thoughts off
I turn mine off too
The only thing I hear is you
and you don't sound good, and you don't sound nice
and you don't sound good, and you don't sound right!
we can be art when we melt
this blog needs a good ol rambling post. YAY HUZZAH HUZZAH HUZZAH
so, this evening, i was going completely crazy. i went insane and i pissed off every single person i was talking to on msn for fun and we kept burning each other, etc. i will understand if half my contact list has blocked me due to annoyances, HAHAHAHAHA.
... except matt because he's too nice even though i insulted everything he was listening to, though that included stuff I listen to.
uggggggggggggggh you know i REALLY want to get a freaking xanga account because i want to comment on them and have the previlege of reading those ones that are "for memebers only" and whatnot
i like reading journals too much.
oh yeah. i was lookin thru matricycle stuff [pictured] from matt good's flickr and i felt depressed for about 15 seconds.
... so, naturally, as any normal person would do, i ate some grains of salt. i have a container full of sea salt here on my desk beside the computer beside the piggy bank thingy (which holds paper clips and not coins). and i chew chomp eat swallow the salt and it's yummy and salty (SALT IS SALTY? NO. WAY.) and i have to drink water occasionally because i shrink like a prune after a while.
then i ate real food and not salt and read a book and surfed youtube (fucking addictive). INTERNET GEEK PEOPLE! watch the decemberists video for "16 military wives"... whatta awesome music video.
.......:::::::ON A SERIOUS NOTE:::::::.......
(yes, for real, serious. im serious about this. seriously.)
(yes, for real, serious. im serious about this. seriously.)
i want grade 12 to be good 'n' memorable, godddammit. most of my friends have (realistically) lost faith and i haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaate this because I WANT A PERFECT SCHOOLYEAR, SO PERFECT THAT IT IS ALMOST CLICHE.
YAY FOR ROMANTIC CLICHES. i think im going thru a freakin mid-midlife crisis.
ANYWAY, i have come to the conclusion that i cannot get along with normal strangers/people of society. i can only get along with the ones in my head. when i see a real person, i take note of tiny insignificant details, such as the colour of their shoes, and then i daydream and make up in my mind of what their lives are like and i decide that i like them.
ps. the dish still ran away with the spoon.
yesterday i went to zach's house to hang out with a bunch of people... he has a pool so everyone in the class regularly invites themselves over.
it usually goes something like this:
"zach, we're having a party in your house on monday. you can come if you want."
"... ok."
hahaha. anyway, we went in the hot tub for a while then went swimming and ate watermelon and broken pretzels and drank coke and just chilled.
denise, roxy, david
yay sun
denise, roxy and i went to the park, which is a 10-step walk
away from zachs backyard.
this dog JUMPED on denise and she yelled.
the grass needs some serious watering. it's like hay.
roxy (matt in the background)
lieeeeeeee in the graaaaaaaaaass
denise bugged matt for a while... haha
denise: maaaaaaaaaaaatt, i need to talk to you
matt: go the frig away.
denise: :(
denise says: *sniff*
the sky is BWUE!
wheeeee frisbee. um, i mean, ultimate
dont we look so wholesome and all
we went back to zach's backyard and dara showed up.
we played twenty questions and it was more hilarious that it should have been.
denise ponders
denise picked 'eyebrows' for the subject of 20 questions...
and we got carried away being waaaay too technical.
i think we just proved ourselves nerdweirdos (= minis).
denise says: "SEE, I DONT KNOW whether 'eyebrows'
are considered man-made or not!"
do you know the coca cola man?
denise says: BARF YOU!
i can just hear his sarcastic voice in my head.
"oh but denise, technically..."
i make these whenever possible.
after hours of talking in zach's backyard,
dara denise and i moved on to denise's house...
:O chinese checkers
uh huh...
it was dinnertime, so we naturally turned to the kitchen stash
of piles and piles of packaged instant noodles.
you could prob live off of this cabinet for about 50 years if you were locked in.
i have no idea what this is, and i can't pronounce it
either but it was yummy
ehn, how useful.
it usually goes something like this:
"zach, we're having a party in your house on monday. you can come if you want."
"... ok."
hahaha. anyway, we went in the hot tub for a while then went swimming and ate watermelon and broken pretzels and drank coke and just chilled.
denise, roxy, david
yay sun
denise, roxy and i went to the park, which is a 10-step walk
away from zachs backyard.
this dog JUMPED on denise and she yelled.
the grass needs some serious watering. it's like hay.
roxy (matt in the background)
lieeeeeeee in the graaaaaaaaaass
denise bugged matt for a while... haha
denise: maaaaaaaaaaaatt, i need to talk to you
matt: go the frig away.
denise: :(
denise says: *sniff*
the sky is BWUE!
wheeeee frisbee. um, i mean, ultimate
dont we look so wholesome and all
we went back to zach's backyard and dara showed up.
we played twenty questions and it was more hilarious that it should have been.
denise ponders
denise picked 'eyebrows' for the subject of 20 questions...
and we got carried away being waaaay too technical.
i think we just proved ourselves nerdweirdos (= minis).
denise says: "SEE, I DONT KNOW whether 'eyebrows'
are considered man-made or not!"
do you know the coca cola man?
denise says: BARF YOU!
i can just hear his sarcastic voice in my head.
"oh but denise, technically..."
i make these whenever possible.
after hours of talking in zach's backyard,
dara denise and i moved on to denise's house...
:O chinese checkers
uh huh...
it was dinnertime, so we naturally turned to the kitchen stash
of piles and piles of packaged instant noodles.
you could prob live off of this cabinet for about 50 years if you were locked in.
i have no idea what this is, and i can't pronounce it
either but it was yummy
ehn, how useful.
denise ponders. she's been pondering a lot lately.
while watching scrabble we watched freakin Radio Free Roscoe for an hour. hahahahah.
twas a nice day, one of those mindless fun days that are required as mandatory during summertime. aw.
twas a nice day, one of those mindless fun days that are required as mandatory during summertime. aw.
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
sleep like a pillow
hi all
i severely need food
i had some bad dreams today.
it's raining and i want to drown in the rain.
matt says:
pillows dont sleep
- Jen - Fenny ... says:
my pillow does beucase it owns your pillow
- Jen - Fenny ... says:
oh SNAP.
matt says:
matt says:
matt says:
matt says:
i think i need some chicken soup
hi all
i severely need food
i had some bad dreams today.
it's raining and i want to drown in the rain.
matt says:
pillows dont sleep
- Jen - Fenny ... says:
my pillow does beucase it owns your pillow
- Jen - Fenny ... says:
oh SNAP.
matt says:
matt says:
matt says:
matt says:
i think i need some chicken soup

my friend wrote in his journal:
I .. blah blah.. and ended up in emergency hospital from 9 am to 4 am last night - this morning.
I'm in a wheelchair for two weeks, and for 3 months of savageness oh metal boots and shit. I can't put any weight on both my legs right now, so.. it's tough. Both my ankles and my right knee is offline. I'm lucky I didn't shatter my fucking spine.
I'm not looking for sympathy because I deserved it. I jumped off a roof. Yeah yeah, it was stupid.
uh huh...
that kind of makes me want to jump off a roof too though.
im serious. i dunno its weird
on saturday, a bunch of my friends and i went to see the fireworks finale. dara, dara's friend malcolm, and i went to english bay ahead of everyone, 5 hours prior to the actual event, to claim good seats.
it was my first time meeting malcolm. he's going to first year university in september. he lives in coquitlam and apparently went to pinetree secondary, which i was familiar with because i would've gone there if i hadn't moved to vancouver. i immediately started asking the usual "do you know so-and-so..." questions. bahahaha. that was certainly amusing for a while... ahh coquitlam nostalgia.
when we first got to english bay, it was already pretty crowded...
but later it was about a hundred times more insane
towels and food.
dara and malcolm play volleyball
eric bought this huge snow cone.
it looked so deliciously yummy.
i asked zach to hold up the frisbee like an angel halo above
his head, but he got distracted. d'oh!
eric looks pained, and zach looks just funny. coughvaincough
the beach beginning to crowd even more
i love dare's look on her face.
dara: "wait, can you see me? i can see you!! walk to the left."
roxy and me
mmmm jelly beans *drool*
seriously, ive never seen vancouver this crowded
a crowd this dense had been something i've only seen in LA or Seoul.
it was wild. it messed up my head a bit.
HA i took this without dara noticing!
a saxophonist and his dancer.
i thot the dancer girl looked so much like bunny. it confused me a lil
the streets were shut down because they were
TEEMING with human beings.
dara and i were standing in the street outside safeway when a
40something woman walked to us and asked (nearly demanded) a cigarette.
she looked desperate and pissed off.
woman: ya got a cigarette? i need a cigarette so bad.
me: no, sorry.
i took this photo while waiting in a 10-minute
line for the bathroom. christ.
wow what a bizarre photo.
HAHAHAHAHA everyone looks oddly hilarious
the fireworks were splendid.
the green ones looks like wormy centipedes.
this one looks like a willow tree.
i love this one. it reminds me of disney's "the sorcerer's apprentice",
when mickey has his crazy dreams
but later it was about a hundred times more insane
towels and food.
dara and malcolm play volleyball
eric bought this huge snow cone.
it looked so deliciously yummy.
i asked zach to hold up the frisbee like an angel halo above
his head, but he got distracted. d'oh!
eric looks pained, and zach looks just funny. coughvaincough
the beach beginning to crowd even more
i love dare's look on her face.
dara: "wait, can you see me? i can see you!! walk to the left."
roxy and me
mmmm jelly beans *drool*
seriously, ive never seen vancouver this crowded
a crowd this dense had been something i've only seen in LA or Seoul.
it was wild. it messed up my head a bit.
HA i took this without dara noticing!
a saxophonist and his dancer.
i thot the dancer girl looked so much like bunny. it confused me a lil
the streets were shut down because they were
TEEMING with human beings.
dara and i were standing in the street outside safeway when a
40something woman walked to us and asked (nearly demanded) a cigarette.
she looked desperate and pissed off.
woman: ya got a cigarette? i need a cigarette so bad.
me: no, sorry.
i took this photo while waiting in a 10-minute
line for the bathroom. christ.
wow what a bizarre photo.
HAHAHAHAHA everyone looks oddly hilarious
the fireworks were splendid.
the green ones looks like wormy centipedes.
this one looks like a willow tree.
i love this one. it reminds me of disney's "the sorcerer's apprentice",
when mickey has his crazy dreams
after the fireworks, the downtown sky was smoggy for miles
i felt so FREE!
it seemed like Bastille Day or something, as if the day was marking the victory of fought-for liberty or equality or something grandiose like that. walking in a big mass of people is pretty elevating and overwhelming. like a revolution. ha!
the walk across the burrard bridge was wicked sweet . the nite air was cold and smelled of cigarette smoke and car exhaust and downtownsmell and it was perfect. i was full of glee. i think we all were.
i was talking to jordan then and i learned that he took art photography at Arts Umbrella too. we talked about photography and cameras for a while. COOLEST SURPRISE OF THE DAY eh. it was awesome because i hardly know anyone else who has simliar interests. (i hardly know anything about jordan, either). wonderful!
for about two gazillion more pictures, click here.
Monday, August 07, 2006

hi kids
what an INSANE weekend. its as if i were a completely different person this weekend. ie not brutishly cynical etc. its JENNY THE HAPPY GO LUCKY GIRL! OMFG.
the fireworks on saturday were fantastic and i even managed to get some photos. we pretty much had the best seats in the entire English Bay.
what a postively eventful weekend i think I AM LOVING LIFE, which is good because school starts in like whatever weeks and i wont be this optimisticshinyhappy for another 9 months after that, ha.
i have 300+ photos from saturday/sunday, i guess i'll post a bunch soon

Saturday, August 05, 2006

im going to the fireworks tomorrow...
dunno if i will be able to take pictures of the actual fireworks because my camera aint that good plus i kind of need a tripod. but YAY I GET TO SMOTHER DARA WITH MY SUPER ANNOYING ENTHUSIASM.
yeah... yay i guess
i just watched two back-to-back episodes of "what not to wear" and my head is all woozy.
oh yeah. apparently the Who's coming to vancouver. that's kind of awesome. i have "baba o'riley" stuck in my head already from just hearing the news.
Friday, August 04, 2006
moving up and so alive in her honey dripping beehive

if one more person asks me where i'm going for university i am going to fucking FLIP.
also if one more person talks about how good ipods are, im going to have to give a deafening scream then leave the room.
revision: i dont hate ipods. i hate people who love ipods.
that pattern goes for pretty much everything, i think.
my new favourite album is the Jesus and Mary Chain's Psychocandy.
death from above 1979 have broken up and thats the sucky news of the day. wheee

spoooools of threaaaads.
my mom is in a bad mood. she's pissed because some idiot cashier at safeway got mouthy at her when she told him to put the peaches in a different plastic bag than the eggs or something, I DUNNO. shes irritated at pretty much everything, ie. how i refuse to eat eggs on toast (um gross) and how i didn't scrape out every single goop of strawberry jam before being finished with the jar.
i went to the library and holy crap guess what i found in the vhs section? videos of the agathe christie's poirot mysteries.. i used to watch those poirot tv movies on A&E religiously, both my sister and i. well i guess i was lucky. i also rented the princess bride and i cant wait to watch it. ha.
ps. im getting obsessed about kids books ie all the books you read in grades 5-7. they're obviously ten times better than normal books.
my name is lucille! and i know how you feel
maybe my huge sore throat is due to my late sleeping
its 3 40am
and there's a red ladybug in this room
maybe my huge sore throat is due to my late sleeping
its 3 40am
and there's a red ladybug in this room

wow i wanna be serenaded at 6am.
when do *i* get to go to science camp?
anyway i was checking the mailbox today and we got ads from grand & toy telling us about the WONDERFUL NEW BACK TO SCHOOL SALES! MINI STAPLERS FOR 8.99 AND SPRING NOTEBOOKS ONLY 79 CENTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i severely dont want to go back to school, dammit. there is SERIOUSLY NOTHING TO LOOK FORWARD TO BECAUSE EVERYTHING/EVERYONE HAS LEFT IT.
dara and i are going to see the fireworks on saturday and that's NOT a maybe because i'm going to kidnap her from her evil prison house and get her out of her crazy lady's evil claws.
Thursday, August 03, 2006
wouldn't it be nice if we could wake up in the morning when the day is blue

listening to elliott smith always manages to bring me down, down, down
he radiates depression, i dunno.
my sister is currently the fastest swimmer in the province for 100m breastroke. in her division. by three whole seconds. CRAZY. i guess we knew that all along but now its OFFICIAL because it's on a fancy website. wheeeee. she'll be really happy if she keeps the title until after the provincials meet, which is 2 weeks from now.

except im not such a crybaby.
ok mayb i am
not really.
i don't really know anymore because i dont cry at the right things
my kitchen smells like oyster right now, i think im going to puke.

i got muchly pissed off at my family who is TOTALLY OBSSESSED about my sister's swim team and i mean like our lives revolve around it, its kind of insane. then i said some bitchy things and my mom talks to me in her singsong voice that she uses when she wants to mock me
aaaaanyway we went out for sushi blah blah blah
my sister and i were in the pool and we wanted to go on the ropeswing and there were these two jackass ten year old boys who were being fucking annoying. they kept pushing each other then of course they didnt even let us touch the goddamn ropeswing "oh its my turn, its my turn". my sister snapped "ITS MY TURN" and the boy was like NOOOOOOOOOOOO in the most obnoxious barfable boy voice.
me: lemme have the ropeswing.
me: DUDE, please. gimme the friggin ropeswing
i made a menacing face and he looked really surprised that i grabbed the rope and then they ran away for their lives. FUCKING IDIOTIC TWITS.
during swimming i noticed my sunburned skin was PEELING. it looks like of like i have leprosy or something. HOW UTTERLY ATTRACTIVE.
after swimming we bought oreo sandwich ice creams. btw there are so many people in the streets coz of the fireworks etc.
tonite, i REALLY need to go to bed before 6am. last nite i saw the sunrise and saw the streetlights go off. CRZZZY
Wednesday, August 02, 2006

i just finished reading Cat's Cradle. HOLY CRAP WHATTA INSANE BOOK. phew. it takes mental energy to swallow it all. kind of massively depressing but not really. it's like wheeee the end of the world is coming, dude.
i dunno.
i remember once i was watching a tv commercial for the disney movie "chicken little" and a hexagonal piece of sky fell down and flattened the little chicken. i thot that was so original. the sky is a puzzle made of heavy glasspane hexagonal pieces!!!!
i woke up today before 1pm which can only be considered ACCOMPLISHMENT!
ps. my mom bought peaches a while ago and that's all im ever eating these days. that and instant noodles. mmmmmmm

yo la tengo is coming to vancouver. wow, i really hate to think of the people in the audience at that show. um hardcore indie rock snots much?
it reminds me of that gag video that was floating around the internet a while ago. the one with the guy who beats up the woman who didn't know pitchfork, and shoots the guy who asks for the customer who asks for the garden state soundtrack ("i heard it was indie-tastic!")
it was kind of hilarious:
indie dude: "you know carlos d, carlos from interpol? yeah, i used to go trick or treating with him when we were young."
im beginning to hate fans of bands i love
its as if i have a "im the only unique one" mindset
yeah ok, weird, bye

Holy shit. by chance i entered the panic! at the disco myspace and they have 943,262 friends, as well as like 10,000 comments on one of the pictures? although i can hardly be surprised by that, STUPID EMO KIDS, please go out and get yourself some lives. p!@td is the worst gimmick band of the year and perhaps the decade, and needs to be shot because their songs arent music.
they're middle school poetry you write after you break up with your "girlfriend", coated with fake everything, all advertised on tv with their super fucked-up inane videos. my nine year old cousin could look at their videos and call them immature, whiny, and downright ludicrous.
i fail to see how their songs can possibly be art in any shape or form whatsoever because they're like terrible spoken word on crap "melody" and all the emotion i get from listening to it is frustration in even contemplating this idiocy.
Tuesday, August 01, 2006

i watched goodbye lenin! last nite and it was good, i like all the historical shiz in there. its about east/west germany and the fall of berlin wall, etc.
its already august dude, what the fuck is wrong with TIME its not waiting for me to catch up.
some kids i know are probably writing their US uni entry essays this summer.
i feel like a lazy dumbass.
i do this thing called "fabled planning" now. i plan fables.

ok. so my mom is evil and has a new stratagy (or STRATEGEM, as afe pointed out). she leaves for work with heaps of dirty dishes in the sink, so the first thing in the morning i have to do is wash those freakin dishes so i can HAVE SOME ROOM TO MAKE BREAKFAST.
plus like every single chopstick in the house is in the sink, i cant eat
plus its gross
i ate a tomato for breakfast. mmmm how filling after 18 hours of eating nothing.
god, i went to bed at 4 last nite.
my sister eats instant noodles for breakfast so she doesnt have to touch a single pot.
this is indeed healthy for a provincial swimmer
i would cook something nice, but i hate cooking a huge thing then having to eat it (then wash afterwards). ugh

1. a box of safeway brand popsicles
2. a giant cold pack for lunch bags
3. saran-wrapped hunks of meat
4. bagels from costco
5. a tray of ice cubes
Five things in the closet:
1. a pink feather boa from grade 8 halloween
2. a teal cowboy hat
3. ugly xmas wrapping paper
4. a black velvet dress from winter formal
5. clothes from when i was nine
Five things in the car: [i dont have a car, so i guess it'll be my mom's car]
1. shitload of burned cds
2. a vancouver schoolboard map
3. a pair of sunglasses
4. loose change
5. a small green pillow/cushion thingum
Five things in my backpack:
1. my camera (duh)
2. a candy wrapper
3. a fat green pen from youthink :O
4. vpl library card
5. rogers video rental card
i tag everybody who reads this. huzzah
3. saran-wrapped hunks of meat
4. bagels from costco
5. a tray of ice cubes
Five things in the closet:
1. a pink feather boa from grade 8 halloween
2. a teal cowboy hat
3. ugly xmas wrapping paper
4. a black velvet dress from winter formal
5. clothes from when i was nine
Five things in the car: [i dont have a car, so i guess it'll be my mom's car]
1. shitload of burned cds
2. a vancouver schoolboard map
3. a pair of sunglasses
4. loose change
5. a small green pillow/cushion thingum
Five things in my backpack:
1. my camera (duh)
2. a candy wrapper
3. a fat green pen from youthink :O
4. vpl library card
5. rogers video rental card
i tag everybody who reads this. huzzah
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