somebody loves math just a lil too much.
lara has an evil grin.
at safeway we ate some uber-healthy sandwiches. also, there was this guy handing out vanilla bean frappuccino samples in tiny starbucks iced cups and green straws - that was adorably and annoyingly sweet and yummy.
we met up with denise and took the bus to Granville Island. we first went to the awesomely fun kids market... i swear that every time we enter that building, we turn into complete children. we're more childish than actual kids. neese desperately wanted to play in the Play Place thingy with lots of plastic balls. then lar wanted to go on the $1-merry-go-round.
do you know your mushrooms?
(wheee SuperMario.)
(wheee SuperMario.)
curious georgey. denise wanted to buy this children's shirt forself.
it was like, women's size negative twenty.
it was like, women's size negative twenty.
maaan, i never had girly pink boxes like these.
we went through all the kidsy shops and leafed through oodles of toys. like plastic rings and pink ballerina music boxes. and "SUPER GROOVY" bracelets that sold for 2 bucks. hah. also i saw this Emily Strange bag that i desperately need:this bag resembles the album cover for
Sonic Youth's Goo *GASP*. i want it.
Sonic Youth's Goo *GASP*. i want it.

we mosey'ed towards the direction of an art supplies store called Opus... on the way there, we got just a lil sidetracked and played for a good half hour in the playground. we played on the yellow teeter-totters and the swings and we screamed and laughed so hard. we were probably the loudest people on the entire island. our hollers echoed and everybody stared. this guy even took a photo of us playing on the swings. i introduced my super-cool swingset game from my grade-5 days... i will post a buzznet video of this later.
we also saw this, probably from yesterday's 4/20:
at Opus, there were shelves and shelves of 1000 kinds of sketchbooks and 500 kinds of pencils and 700 types of pencil crayons and 10 million colours of oil paints and there were probably 100 types of pencil sharpeners. i saw 10x10 canvases for under $5 and should have bought it, except i have shitty paints and even shittier painting skillz. everybody in the shop was practically an artist (you could tell by the hushed, condescending looks as we entered the shop loudly). all the art supplies made me feel inadequate and stupid. and there was a tube of paint named "hooker green".
we went to the Granville Market and ate food and ranted for hours about hushgossip, except it wasn't very hushed at all... we probably appeared as obnoxious loud delinquint teens. i don't know how much we talked over each other, we were way hyper. then i said something retarded like WAIT BUT YOU CANT GET PREGNANT WITHOUT HAVING SEX a bit too loudly and these two teen guys gave us an interested look.
after a shitload of peopletrashing and ranting, we went outside and dara chased the pigeons. then we took this totally cliche and must-have photo, because i demanded that we take one:
from top to clockwise: dara, roxy, me, lara, denise.
then neese and dare left and lar, rox, and i fed the duckies by the pond.pondering lara
the surface of the water looks like marble.
mmmm french baguette.
it was the most awesome and childlike day ever and i wuved it. i heart granville island. i go there every week and i'm not sick of it yet.
my family and i went out for dinner at the Mongolie Grill, that was fun. my mom and my sister are way too cool. after dinner we drove to the beach. my sister and i watched downtown vancouver from the sandy beaches, just across from it, seperated by waters. downtown looked like a glowing, beating organism of a city among the evening dark. we were looking at it as if we were examining the city under a microscope. the city had so many lights. the sand was cold and moist.
we went around in the car with jeff buckley's live at sin-e cranked up loudly and drove with the windows down, with the wind in our hair, before coming home.
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