Thursday, August 10, 2006

hey, remember this?

i got my mini school stuff in the mail with all the strath and school forms to fill out and it annoys me to death. the mini school letterhead is drastically changed and the letter was in comic sans font which just pisses me off because i hate that shitty font and it was signed A Humphreis and i wonder who the new secretary is.

FUCKING CHANGES I HATE THEM ALL even though the mini forms look about 100x neater.

remember that kinnear dude? GOSH we need him back badly or i think i might go nuts. i feel bad for our entire freakin class.

btw im sure you know dare/lar/denise, we have a student meeting on wed sept 6 from 2:00 to 3:10pm in the gym at the mini school and "attendance is required". um yah wtf.

im obviously totally biased and i hate changes and this is the idiotic stubborn side of me coming out BLEAARGH

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i have a shirt liek that too, with my name on it.

except mine doesnt say mini is cool HAHAHAHA.
