Tuesday, August 01, 2006

ok. so my mom is evil and has a new stratagy (or STRATEGEM, as afe pointed out). she leaves for work with heaps of dirty dishes in the sink, so the first thing in the morning i have to do is wash those freakin dishes so i can HAVE SOME ROOM TO MAKE BREAKFAST.

plus like every single chopstick in the house is in the sink, i cant eat

plus its gross

i ate a tomato for breakfast. mmmm how filling after 18 hours of eating nothing.
god, i went to bed at 4 last nite.

my sister eats instant noodles for breakfast so she doesnt have to touch a single pot.
this is indeed healthy for a provincial swimmer
i would cook something nice, but i hate cooking a huge thing then having to eat it (then wash afterwards). ugh

1 comment:

Dare said...

ooooo, purdy banner.