busy day today. i woke up at 8am and scrambled to the VIC building to take my 1-hour grammar exam. it was not pretty. i hope i made the 75%-cut, but i wouldn't be surprised if i didn't. i drank a gallon of coffee and ate two danishes before the 10am lecture. ahhhh. the class is called info + visual resources, and we've done an online unit and excel unit, and soon we're going to be onto the ~*~*~photojournalism~*~*~ unit. yes i am excited.
after lecture, i grabbed lunch with sam, a girl from barrie.... she's cute and petite and listens to andrew bird. oh speaking of lunch, i went out for thai food with SEAN and his radio & television friend... so fucking random. i'll have to tell that story later. anyway after sam left for class, i went to talk to the photo editor at my school paper and got my first assignment ever as a photographer. hahaha. i have to take pictures of construction scaffolding in some school buildings. thrilling, i know.
then i had an appointment with my journalism mentor and talked to her for about half an hour before coming to my shitty four walls and crashing completely on my bed for three hours. a freaking three-hour nap! i grabbed dinner (tacos) from downstairs cafeteria with my rez neighbour steph... ate that shitty meal while watching the 6 o'clock news on CBC. guess what was on the news: raine maida played his guitar, busking for money to contribute to WarChild! just in dundas square! and i KNEW about this ahead of time, but COMPLETELY FORGOT due to my worries for the stupid grammar test (which i probably miserably failed). i was mad at my self.
steph and i talked about her cousin, who works at the Hour, for a while... she met George Strombo through her cousin and she was shell-shocked at how friendly he was. le sigh. if i'm free on november 7, i am GOING to see Ani DiFranco play live at the Hour with her. fuck im excited.
i was supposed to see the Darjeeling Limited tonite with a journalism group but i felt too lazy. i watched the tv for an hour with hillary though -- mtv's my super sweet 16 and ugly betty... AND bbc newsworld, for tomorrow's news quiz. eh i should be studying right now. i talked to denise for half an hour on the phone. i think i'm going to visit her in montreal next month. wheeeeeeee.
now i must study. there's an internship position being advertised for the Province (one of vancouver's newspapers), and i'm contemplating applying for it. i need to apply for a bagazillion more things. too busy.
tomorrow i'm going to meet up with jen and explore queen street west vintage stores. this weekend i plan to watch some movies, go to a pub nite if i have any friends left in town, and go to Canzine Festival (an exhibition for independent art and magazines) on Sunday. i need to buy my stupid harajuku girl halloween costume as well.
this post was brought to you by: procrastination.
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