J-Skool dinner at Spring Rolls
(Thai/Chinese restaurant, near Yonge and Bay):
(Thai/Chinese restaurant, near Yonge and Bay):

lee, nichole

jesi. she's freaking gorgeous.

marly, hillary, and the grand vase of strange flowers

see how giant it is!

i ordered an appetizer.

appetizer "smoked salmon summer roll" or something to that effect

smoked salmon, mushrooms, and lettuce (?) wrapped in rice paper
with berry and hot chili sauce. very delicious, subtle flavour.
i plan to eat everything off the menu at this restaurant.

emilie, nadya, sean, angela


typical hillary..... . . . . ... .. ...

my chicken pad thai

hahahaha. i dont even know why im laughing.

this is why i don't hand my camera to certain people.
because they do not know how to take pictures.
way to cut off the table. /bitter mutter

with angela

okeeefe house residence. feels homey, like a whistler ski cabin

so why aren't we drinking?
Here are the letters I'm sending out to my friends:

pictures from Regina Spektor concert @ Kool Haus are up on flickr... should I even post them here?
see ya. big post to come soon, i'm uber stressed/busy at the moment. lalala.
jenny wishes she were back in highschool and daydreaming everyday. she despises reality.
isn'tthat quote supposed to be life is too serious to be taken seriously?
no, someone else (not oscar wilde) said that though
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