went to see Across the Universe AGAIN. it seems to me that everyone in this residence apartment's seen it at least once now. and obsessive over it too.
freaking trippy movie, it was better the 2nd time because i could actually overlook its flaws, mainly trite dialogue/script. i was practically singing along to each song. my favourite scenes are definitely Bono's acid trip "i am the walrus" scene, the red paint 'n' strawberries scene, and the end bits of "dear prudence" in which they float in a sky-filled apartment. ugh awesome. the "i am the walrus" scene seriously makes me want to drop acid and see colours interweaving with people. one day, i suppose. in disneyland. and get the shit scared out of me. i can't fucking wait.
i have four blisters from wearing flats for days on end. i wore them to the Regina Spektor concert last nite which was a baaaad idea because i had to walk from the Koolhaus to Union Station... ugh. it's frigging cold already. vancouver's december-weather equivalent. god.
i bought some clothes today at the eaton centre... im officially broke, hahaha. i bought a black wool coat with big pockets from Zara. ester gave me a teeshirt from Japan, which i absolutely adore. and i have a red Russian-themed Regina Spektor teeshirt. so much clothing at once!
ave adore.

ive never done acid, i don't think you should, some bad trips there, and some guys never come out of it. scary. -momraymi!
thanks mom!
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