aced my math test today. hahahaha. oh boy. incredibly, i feel a twinge of wisteria as i do easy math problems. i actually MISS number problem that work out perfectly according to equation, etc. like lara says, THE WORLD OF MATH IS PERFECT.
went for a quick exploration of queen street west with jen. she gave me an issue of Cuspidor, her high school paper. a very nice paper. i guess going to private school has its perks (bahahaha).
bought a couple things for my harajuku girl costume, including a kilt-like skirt from a vintage store, fake lashes, and colourful ribbons for my hair. i tried on the costume and it cracks me up because i totally look like a japanese schoolgirl with odango-style pigtails.
went to the library and signed out "The Book of Martyrdom and Artifice" by Allen Ginsberg. jack kerouac's friend ginsberg. i didn't even go looking for it, but fortuitously, it was on the table by the sofas. it's basically excepts from his journals and poems. pretty facking great.
an excerpt i liked:
art = conscious selective creative self expression, which is therefore potentially communicative.
it is wasteful for an artist to create uncommunicative art. it is creative for him to communicate, creative because of the physical fact that more people are enriched by communicative than uncommunicative art. the uncommunicative artist's value is lost to all but himself. (during an argument, william burroughs said that art is just a three letter word -- that's all. it means whatever you want it to mean.)
"i guess going to private school has its perks (bahahaha)."
NOT TRUE, WE ARE FUNDRAISING THIS OURSELVES and practically busking in the street for this to happen! Buh
im kidding ;)
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