got back in toronto yesterday nite. i finalized my schedule so i have 15 hours of class per week now. hahahaha. at least i have a class every day of the week now. at the baggage claim in the pearson airport, there were a whole buncha douchey guys wearing queen's pleather jackets with a huge school logo in the front and faculty name in giant letters on the back. there were about five of them and i eavesdropped while i waited for my suitcases to turn up and they were hilarious. oooo dear.
i re-read a complicated kindness on the plane and finished it when i got to rez. books make me happy. it's an escape from real life.
anyway i have a class tomorrow morning at 9am (THE HORROR!) called philosophy of religion. should be interestinggggggggggg.
went grocery shopping and bought fig newtons. they're my favouritestest thing right now.
my room is so f'ing organized but i realized i have a lot of shit that i never use and a whole lot of other shit that i need badly that i haven't brought home. ugh!
1 comment:
Any of those jackets black? Cause that would be music, my ex-department. those "pleather" jackets cost a ri-goddamn-diculous amount of money, um no thanks I don't want to pay you tons of cash to wear a heavy jacket.
ah i <3 your queen's bashings they are like tiny reminders.
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