i should prob do a "2007 REVIEW POST" or some shit like that but that sounds ultra lame right about now, so forget it.
went to eat at guu last nite with fam and tonite we will go out for indian food at jolly's indian bistro, MMMMM YUM YUM. i also really want to see Juno again in Fifth Avenue Cinemas because it's an awesome theatre but i dont think i will have time for that. fuck! i leave in two sleeps. not cooooool.
last nite i had the second scariest nightmare of all time. it was the end of the world and the universe was flooding and everywhere there were no buildings, only boats. one by one people threw themselves in the ocean because they'd rather commit suicide than die a painful death. they all drowned. lara, es, denise and i were bawling in a tight circle because we didn't want to die. the ocean was emerald green. it was so fucking scary okay. i thought i was suffocating when i woke up.
haven't done much today except bum around home and procrastinate cleaning up my suitcase shit in the living room. i have to do a massive load of laundry too. i should put some pictures up.
tomorrow i will give malc his long overdue x-mas present and then hang out with the girlsssssss because i won't see them in one place for a while.
ok could this post be any more boring?
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