Tuesday, January 22, 2008

honey, sweetheart, sugarpie, baby

had korean food today at a restaurant and it was actually good, i was surprised. we went into the hmv on yonge street, and it was by FAR more enormous than i'd imagined. each floor played completely different music and it had the most extensive section for classical music and movie soundtracks. i'm talking obscure obscure soundtracks that people once heard back in the 70s or something. plus they have a vinyl section, albeit very small. also a huge classical music section. doods. we went back to my room and listened to some coltrane.

tuesdays are my least favourite days because of my visual cultures class (boring as shit prof) but today wasn't so bad. i have a fuckload of schoolwork though. gawsh.

my room is only clean when people come over to hang out. uggh

i am becoming the notes-master. four people have asked me to borrow lecture notes this week already. ha. i am nice.

im thinking of adding more blog invites to people. i dont know who reads my blog exactly. it's strange.

byebye my babies

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