You are always trying to keep it real
and I'm in love with how you feel
314am vancouver time. i have to wake up in sixish hours and i'm preeeetty much fuckin' dead right now but i needed to prepare some stuff for tutoring tomorrow. ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. my eyelashes are heavy with dried mascara gunk that i should probably wash off. sleepy sleepy sleepy spllejfsyf.
tutored in the morning, then took a giant ass nap, had a nightmare (wtf is UP with these stupid dreams these days?) then bussed downtown to Guu for a delish dinner with dara and denise. pictures coming soon. sooooooo yummmieeeee i want some more of that salmon sashimi yukke thingies. AHHHHH i wish toronto had a Guu. my DREAM. here are piccies from the website (i am drooling right now by the way).

went to esty's house afterwards where she gifted me an AWESOME button that she made herself with her button-making kit. i am buying one of those kits asap so i can possibly make buttons to sell at fuckin' canzine next year. yknow. three to five dollars apiece. haha.
the bunch of us, rox, es, dara, denise, and i, we drank tea and ate a fuckload of airpopped popcorn that es made. then we gossiped and chilled and shared stories from the last four months and it was so awesome that i was sad to come home and realize that i'm leaving home in ONE FREAKING WEEK! temporary depression ensued. i use the term 'depression' way too lightly don't i? fine, i was super-sad. le sigh. ALL I EVER WANT TO DO is chill with friends and family who love me and waste time with them.
cooooool beans. i'm kinda looking forward to next semester and simultaneously not looking forward to it. it's gonna go by in a snap though. by april i will be done a quarter of university schooling, assuming i do not go to grad school (which i will probs).
why can't life be so easy peasy lemon squeezy.
and I'm in love with how you feel
314am vancouver time. i have to wake up in sixish hours and i'm preeeetty much fuckin' dead right now but i needed to prepare some stuff for tutoring tomorrow. ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. my eyelashes are heavy with dried mascara gunk that i should probably wash off. sleepy sleepy sleepy spllejfsyf.
tutored in the morning, then took a giant ass nap, had a nightmare (wtf is UP with these stupid dreams these days?) then bussed downtown to Guu for a delish dinner with dara and denise. pictures coming soon. sooooooo yummmieeeee i want some more of that salmon sashimi yukke thingies. AHHHHH i wish toronto had a Guu. my DREAM. here are piccies from the website (i am drooling right now by the way).

went to esty's house afterwards where she gifted me an AWESOME button that she made herself with her button-making kit. i am buying one of those kits asap so i can possibly make buttons to sell at fuckin' canzine next year. yknow. three to five dollars apiece. haha.
the bunch of us, rox, es, dara, denise, and i, we drank tea and ate a fuckload of airpopped popcorn that es made. then we gossiped and chilled and shared stories from the last four months and it was so awesome that i was sad to come home and realize that i'm leaving home in ONE FREAKING WEEK! temporary depression ensued. i use the term 'depression' way too lightly don't i? fine, i was super-sad. le sigh. ALL I EVER WANT TO DO is chill with friends and family who love me and waste time with them.
cooooool beans. i'm kinda looking forward to next semester and simultaneously not looking forward to it. it's gonna go by in a snap though. by april i will be done a quarter of university schooling, assuming i do not go to grad school (which i will probs).
why can't life be so easy peasy lemon squeezy.