still working my ass off on this fuckin' article. i'm about a quarter way to go. i need about 1,300 more words, then i'll be done. WHOOOOOOOOOOOO! my eyes are fucking unfocussed and my hands are twitching and my feet are jiggling and i'm actually laughing as i type this. whoa i'm losing my mind.
ray and i went to dominion grocery store at midnite and bought a four-pack of red bull and a four-pack of starbucks mocha frappucino drinks plus gum plus a pack of m&ms. we stared at our pile of stuff on the moving conveyor belt and gave each other a look. fuckin' hilarious. now i'm gulping all that shit down, trying not to fall asleep and let the caffeine DO ITS MAGIC. listening to some swedish metal on the radio so i can stay awake. procrastinating like no tomorrow on facebook. wheee woooo.
after i'm done writing this fuckin thing i will have to put it all together into a giant package with pictures and charts and graphs and research logs and a bow tied ribbon around it all. plus study for my giant ass exam (ho hum). ohhhhhhhhhh muthafockkaaaaa what am i doing still awake. i want to go to fuckin sleep and have more of those fuckin nightmares i've been having recently.
on a completely different note, my friends have stopped being in contact with me via email. this means i can only procrastinate through blogging. wheeeee! i suppose. i'm not looking forward to seeing all the mini's when i get back, ESPECIALLY aiden. i can picture his egotistic big-nosed self bragging the fuck out of everything. there is a silent competition among everyone, trying to measure out Who Has The Best New Life In University. haha it's the honest truth. (what kind of truth is dishonest?). anyway as soon as tobs and aiden start to blab i'm going to have to run out of the room before i barf.
despite this goddamn article i'm so fucking glad i'm here. HERE, away from everyone but in the middle of everything. yessssssssssssir. all i need is a fuckin fake ID and the city is mine.
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