i braved the biggest mall in BC and went to metrotown on boxing day. resulted in the biggest headache EVER. there were hoards and hoards of people squished against one another in shoe stores, then a fire alarm went off and confused everybody. people kept shopping though. apparently it was a false alarm. i would not want to work in retail among the boxing day exodus. goodness. my mom was trying on shoe and put on the right boot when this woman, another shopper, grabbed mom's left boot and just walked away. we were all very WTF. the lady didn't speak english either. i can't decide if it's the funniest thing or the rudest thing i've seen. the lady bought the same pair of shoes.
then we went to zara and it was the biggest dog-eat-dog shopping experience ever. shudder. i bought a sweater and a shirt and left immediately.
when i came home i totally crashed and slept for a few hours before i went over to lara's house. we ate real fruit gummies and pistachios and chilled then dave and matt came over. we had beer and peach vodka with orangina, then roxy went crazy hyper and there was some debauchery. i was feeling totally sober though. dave was being weird again so i said something funny but i cant remember it. matt was being emo as usual. we wouldn't let him get shitfaced because he was driving.
after that died down we started watching Kinsey. everyone but me fell asleep before the movie ended. i finished watching at 4am and slept until noon, when roxy woke me up. no one else was home except the two of us because lara's fam left for their vacay at their cabin. HAHAHA. rox and i made breakfast, chilled for a few hours then went home.
and now i'm at home. i have to go tutor some kids today (and tomorrow, and the day after that, and the day after that...), grrrr. anyway i should go and prepare some stuff.
i've been obsessed about Juno since i saw it in theatres. i want to see it again sooooo badly. what the eff. i read the wiki article on Diablo Cody (the screenwriter) and it kind of amazed me. haha.
happy holidays
metereotown is a headache on any normal day. you are braver than i for braving it bravely on a day like that.
you are certainly a brave girl going to metrowtown on boxing day! i wasn't prepared to brave any of the malls this year! :)
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