went to see ester and dave at u of t. dave played well, i needed a dose of live music because the last time i had any was in october. had a private talk with ester. she cried because she is unhappy with her life. i walked back to rez at 2 in the morning, by myself, through queen's park. sketchiest of the sketch. anyway im pretty tired so i'll put up pictures and stories later.
sam was at the horseshoe tavern's 60th anniversary party last nite and told me there was free beer/cake and that they didn't even ID her. i coulda gone had i known about it earlier! well, maybe.
going to yorkdale mall tomorrow. is my head going to explode from all this consumerism? probably. i havent bought that much shit, though i am thoroughly tempted to shop my fucking ass off. why yorkdale mall? bryan wants to show me around.
ok bye
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