just spent three gross hours watching crap on tv. mmm VH1 documentaries on the history of the Spice Girls! how tempting. i watched the whole thing with bits of muchmusic vids in between. muchmusic played all these old music videos like avril lavigne and green day and nelly furtado before they started to suck. yknow. it was aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawesome trashtv. sucks everything out of my brain.
now i'm back at my computer clicking 'profile' and 'home' every five seconds on facebook while my mom sits across from me on HER laptop. she presses the play button on the stereo for the gazillionth time and plays the soundtrack to Lady Vengeance. it's very good, go download it off torrents somewheres. it's classical music with an edge. HAHAHA i cannot believe i just used that phrase "with an edge". barf. it consists of lots of violin/strings and harmonium (like a harp piano), which i lurrrve, and sounds sinister. excellent.
anyway my fam totes loves the soundtrack right now and it's all that's been playing in the house and car THE LAST THREE DAYS twentyfourseven. my mom's in love with it and every time we play the soundtrack again from track one, she has a minor seizure like she's swaying to it but more like she's a crazy composer who just created this giant symphony after years of hard work and dedication.
now my mom and i are messaging animated emoticons to each other on msn. i almost wish i could post them all but them convos don't make sense when one doesn't read korean. (revision: they dont make sense even when one DOES read korean).
N says:
너나 잘하세요
두부 먹으세요
하얗게 되세요
친절한 진희씨
Jen // Fenny says:
ps. my blog stats just skyrocketed after posting about Juno. dude.
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