Tuesday, November 21, 2006

did i ever tell you, my friend dude MOVED TO CHINA and HE DID NOT INFORM ME. i was ultra pissed/depressed for about 10 minutes when i found out (via frikken FACEBOOK!). sigh. anyway he lives in a different time zone now so i can't even talk to him on msn cept sometimes. lame!

i can't really blame him for the sudden move to an entirely different continent coz his dad's a diplomatic official.

i used to do these highlighter drawings weekly and then i would hang it on the wall and he'd say something nice like "this one's my favourite" bla bla bla. then he'd do his own version of a highlighter drawing... dude we are so cool. the drawings fade after only months, though, because i do them on shitty lined paper.

then this kid Percy would be like "WTF jenny you are the most retarded person ever to draw something with highlighters then HANG IT ON THE WALL." me and percy are archrivals except i always win because percy is retarded plus all the other guys are on my side.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i leftarrowthree jenny
