ps. ian annoyed the fuck out of me today. there are poorer people than ian okay?!?!?!?!?!!!? DSJFKLS:DJDGJSLKDJFLSDSDGSDGFlsdjfalsaslf.
LET ME RE-ENACT what happened today.
Mrs. PrincipalPrincipal, a tall and fat redhead with angry eyes, enters library (that's where we had our class today) with a pompous air. everyone silences and gasps in horror. Mr. Historyteach looks scared. he avoids Mrs. PrincipalPrincipal's eyes.
Mrs. PP: *pokes mr historyteach*
Mr. Historyteach: *glances up nervously* yes? what can i do for you?
Mrs. PP speaks in a thunderous voice. Her eyes bulge in permanent anger and irritation.
Mr. Historyteach points at ian. Mr. Historyteach cowers, trying not to smell Mrs. PP's known poisonous breath. It is said that all who catch a sniff of Mrs. PP's noxious smell dies of a mysterious sickness called mothereffingscaryprincipalmonsteritis.
Goodyshoesperfect Ian looks up.
Every single being in the library, including the entire class, the whitehaired and blackhaired librarian, esl kids, and nerd library monitor kids hold their breath and gape open-mouthed. there is an intense silence. people stare at Mrs. PrincipalPrincipal, then at Goodyshoesperfect Ian, then at Mrs. PrincipalPrincipal again. Mr. Historyteach fidgets because Mrs. PrincipalPrincipal is standing too close for his liking (within a meter radius).
Goodyshoesperfectboy: Oh. Okay.
Mrs. PP leaves library. chaos ensues as people whispertalk as to why Goodyshoesperfectboy is being called.
omg the anticipation! the speculation! the drama!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
pps. that made no sense did it? goodyshoesperfectboy is applying for this super crazy ambitious scholarship that gives a kajillion dollars per your university year bla bla bla, obvs. you need a letter of reference from your respective principalprincipal to apply for this scholarship (i'm assuming. but assuming correctly). he is SCHOOL SPONSORED. this is a big hairy deal, especially to minis.
now for the rational part of my anti-goodyshoesperfectboy pov: he is RICH (not to mention extremely annoying, dangerous to the stressed-out beings, and harmful for your health). his family owns yachts. he pays for his "priceless experience" section of his resume and then gets into whatever the hell school/program he wants. it is a catch 22.
he who pays for extracurriculars, activities, foreign exchanges, trips to nepal (barf) is who gets the invaluable experience, and therefore having an advantage over the kids who are at the exact intelligence level but cannot afford to go on big fancy camps. and although i know this is a fact of life, i can't help being angry/upset.
this is reminiscent of a-ria who got a national canadian scholarship but decided to go to harvard and pay 100% of it instead.
nevermind. i'm bitter and stupid. i had this talk with dara already and it made me pretty UGH but i've known this all my life so there's no point.
if rachel ever saw this post, she'd get angry ahahahhahhhhhhsdfhasdgfdkslfasd. i mean... i dont know what i mean.
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