oh yea i TOTALLY FORGOT TO TELL ANYONE which is why i'm blogging it now, because i know i will forget it again.
when i was working at cafe crepe, sometimes the workers from future shop in the 2nd floor came down for their breaks. guess who i saw then... EMMETT WHATSHISFACE. the weirdo who was always frolicking with rox and rachel back in grade eight.
he looked extremely comical in his geekwear futureshop uniform. he bought a croissant and then he totally recognized me...
he's like "DO I KNOW YOU?"
and of couse i was like "ummm no?"
and he's like "DID YOU GO TO PW?"
im like "yaaar"
and he's like "ahhhhh thats where i've seen you, coz you look familiar."
emmett remembering my face is the unlikeliest and possibly the oddest thing ever. i totally forgot about him.
plus yesterday i went to london drugs and GUESS WHO THE CASHIER WAS. michelle lum, the ex-mini from our grade 8 days (she was in grade 9). weirdness eh
ok im done
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