ughhhhhhhhhhhhh. i got angry i halfheartedly threw the fone across the room and now i think its broken. ahahahahah
i'm seeing a play with lara and dara on saturday... wow excitingexciting.
so like, wilco is pretty much the best thing in existence.
tomorrow's my sisters BIRFDAY wowee im going to write the best bday card ever full of stupid inside jokes from when we were in elementary skool and staple lines from hilarious books/movies/whatnot. (read: HOME ALONE II.)
so ummmm yea
its real dark outside. black like a cat. its raining for the billionth time ugh.
tomorrow i have math class and i am not looking forward to it.
im also going.
to the play i mean
but ofcourse i dont count
cause im a loser right
that was denise btw
you didnt say you were going you weirdo!
of course i didnt say
thats why im going.
well now maybe i shouldnt go and piss everyone off
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