Tuesday, November 07, 2006


im obsessed with checking my email/facebook/gmail these days. i think my brain is trying to force me into procrastinating double amounts. cough cough schoolwork will be the death of me. i can't WAIT for the days of 3rd term, after i've mailed away all my university shite. i wouldn't even need to go to half my courses. CANTWAITCANTWAITCANTWAIT. as for now, i have to work my ass off for decent marks.

i feel like i'm going down a downward spiral in math. i used to be pretty much flawless at it... now it looks all greek to me. i have to actually THINK before doing the questions. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HELP DEAR LORD.

i'm thinking maybe i'm not such a mathy person after all. maybe it's coz the majority of my courses this year are not so numbers-oriented.

in other total nerdgeek news, i hope i did well on my history test. it's pretty much the only class i enjoy. and the rare exception of english class... only because we're studying Hamlet.


Krista said...

i added u to my facebook!

MB said...

I want to be ur facebook friend too. I am an internet whore these days.