Wednesday, December 06, 2006


I’m so excited about this, that I will wear one tomorrow to show it off. Ahahaha I am such a nerd-o.

Today after school I had a giant nap and while I was sleeping, I dreamt of this girl, Mina, who used to be in my elementary school..... she was a bitch and I sort of hated her but I hung out with her anyway. I dunno why I dreamed about her all of a sudden, I haven’t seen her since grade seven. In my dream I was all like “woah its mina” then “ew gross, she's still the same arrogant brat she was five years ago”. I wonder what’s up with her nowadays.

After my giant nap, I went door-to-door in my apartment building trying to sell goddamn poinsettias (you know, those xmas plants? barf.) I sold 12 in about an hour and a half.............. I feel so accomplished. My arms hurt like hell, though. Fucking poinsettia sale fundraisers. they give me uncurable headaches. wooooooooo.

ok fine so today was a lame day (except for this one ultra-sucky thing, which I will post later about).

I promise a less lame blog post soon with PICTURESPICTURESPICTURES of my uber hipster threadless shirts (can you tell im excited or can you tell im excited?)


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