saddam hussein was hanged today. that was the first thing i heard upon waking up coz the radio was on. my sister and i are... quoting articles to each other, bla bla bla. nevermind.
the 7th harry potter book title was announced about 9 days ago, and already there is a huge ass wikipedia article on it. reading that stuff is addicting.
i first read harry potter book one when i was in grade five and just past that english level where i could read standard chapter books easily. i had six months of ESL in grade four. HP kind of initiated my canadian part of the childhood, don't you think? and by the time the next and final book is out, i will have graduated from school completely, ie my childhood is over.
i will miss harry potter.
thats so depressing Jen.
Its weird when you think about it, we kind of grew up with Harry, he was always our age plus or minus a year or two.
This post makes me feel like an old granny.
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