bleh. tip for people: if you don't want your blog discovered, DON'T WRITE ABOUT OBSCURE PEOPLE, ESPECIALLY THE PEOPLE WHO YOU DO NOT WANT TO LET KNOW THAT YOU HAVE A BLOG. if will get you found on google like BLAM!
i'm going to have to stricten my people-vocab. jeez.
i have a most fantastic slash most cliche idea for a story, but if i start writing, i know it's going to turn out to crap.
i had a dream that my favourite mug (above pictured) was smashed. when i woke up and reached in the dishwasher to get a cup to get a drink of water, i had a deja vu and remembered that i had that dream. it was weird because i went "oh yeaaaah it was only a dream..."
that reminds me, once i had a dream that my hand was cut up and bloody. when i woke up, the first thing i did was examine my hand.
i have too many dreams with blood in them.
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