wow, i havent blogged for more than 48 hours. this is quite extraordinary.
anyway. a shitload has happened today/nite but i can't remember it all, so i'll spare you from nitty-gritty details.
school is extremely tedious and utterly pointless as well as tragically annoying these days. i have the desire to fall asleep as soon as i arrive at school every morning at 8 20am. i pretty much think to myself, check my email and stereogum at lunch, and try not to pay attention to needy stupid people. i kind of doodle a lot too. last week i was writing "shampoo suicide" on a piece of paper and the substititute asked me "you have 11:30 written on the back of your hand, and you're writing the words shampoo suicide... so what is it that you have to do at 11:30?" hah. jenny in la-la land.
denise and i have been the most fastidious with our Keep the Beat work lately, though. We have far more to accomplish before we're actually anywhere even remotely near holding this school benefit concert for Warchild, but we've been productive this week, so YAY. (this paragraph holds the the most optimism i've ever expressed in my entire life.)
enough with boring details. tonight i went to the jazz cabaret concert at my school... and god, it was an awesome show. i swear i am in love with our drummer. don't worry, the falling in love part happens a lot. also, the trumpets were especially lovely. siiiiiiiiigh. i wish i played trumpet. i want a silver one that glimmers in the stagelights. i should have chosen trumpet over clarinet back in grade six... although i love the clarinet also. during some of the performances, i kept imagining conversations in my head, saying things that will probably never be said, and talking to people i will probably never end up talking to. blargh.
a lot of people at my school have such amazing singing voices. they sang Ella Fitzgerald and Ray Charles and god knows what else.
today in band class, i heard somebody playing the bass riff to the red hot chili peppers song "around the world".
i am so shallow. there is this kid who listens to wynston marsalis and the young canadians and bloc party. i want him to be my friend.
i'm going to draw and/or paint this thing and hope that it will turn out nice. i have shitty paints so i think i may have to settle with coloured pencils, which is the only medium i am only really good at using.
aaaaaand i'm rambling. ugh. i don't know what i want every day, i just live through it in a sort of nothingness. i do what i do, and complain while i'm at it. and dream some more.
ps. neko case lyrics are frigging amazing. they are STORIES, people, STORIES.

1 comment:
"live through it in a sort of nothingness"
that makes two of us...
all i do is dream, both while im awake and asleep.
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